Education Support Professionals (ESPs) are critical to the success of our nation’s public schools. They are the bus drivers who get our students to school safely, the custodians who keep our school buildings and grounds clean, the cafeteria workers who ensure our communities are fed, the paraeducators who meet the needs of our most vulnerable students, and so much more. They are essential members of the educational team who work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs.
Despite their important roles, many ESPs have to take on more than one job to make ends meet. More than one-third of ESPs earn less than $25,000 a year, and on average, they are making below a living wage in all 50 states.
One job should be enough.
We're building a movement of NEA members and public education allies across the country. We’re calling on education leaders and policymakers to invest in ESPs, respect their professional expertise, and recognize their vital contributions to student learning and well-being.
ESPs want and deserve:
How to Build a Strategic Campaign
Learn how NEA members, staff, and leaders have partnered in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Illinois to build a state-wide campaign to increase ESP visibility, rights, and respect.

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