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ESP of the Year Award

The annual award recognizes the contributions that Education Support Professionals make toward their schools, communities, and professions.
graphic of hands tossing up a trophy into the sky

The NEA Education Support Professional (ESP) of the Year Award, presented by NEA and NEA Member Benefits, honors a member who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments and whose achievements reflect the vital role ESPs play in public education.

The NEA ESP of the Year serves as an ambassador for ESPs across the country, promoting the value of ESP members at local, state, and national events. While the award showcases one outstanding ESP each year, it also recognizes and honors the contributions that all ESPs make towards ensuring great public schools for every student.

2025 NEA ESP of the Year

Andy Markus ESP of the Year
Andy Markus 2025 NEA ESP of the Year.

Andy Markus, Assistant Facilities Manager (head custodian) at Draper Park Middle School, in Draper, Utah, is the 2025 NEA Education Support Professional of the Year! He knows that the pride and care we put into our school environments reflects in the success of our students, and his work goes beyond maintaining a building—he’s fostering a community where students and staff feel proud to be. Part of creating that environment includes getting to know the students, whether that’s in the hallways between classes, or at the afterschool mentoring program he launched.

Learn more

Meet the Top 5 Finalists 

graphic that says congratulations to 2025 NEA ESP of the Year finalists

Congratulations to the top 5 finalists for 2025 NEA ESP of the Year: Amy Evans (IL), Beryl Torrence (NC), Becky Marszalek (PA), Andy Markus (UT), and Alyce Holmes Pope (VA)!

Learn more about the finalists here

2025 NEA ESP of the Year Nominees

Andrea Qanadilo Shepard


Andrea Qanadilo Shepard, Admissions Office Assistant
Fanta Lee-Sankoh


Fanta Lee-Sankoh, Prevention Intervention Specialist 
Debbie Stiltner


Debbie Stiltner, Administrative Assistant
Satarria Williams


Satarria Williams, Administrative Assistant
Steven Acosta


Steven Acosta, School Technology Technician
Veronica Martinez


Veronica Martinez, Office Support II
Cassie Queen


Cassie Queen, Paraprofessional
Alesia Gladden


Alesia Gladden, Special Educational Aide
Marjorie Murillo


Marjorie Murillo, Community Liaison Specialist
LiseAnn Mills


LiseAnn Mills, Behavioral Paraeducator
Amy Evans


Amy Evans, Title I Intervention Reading Assistant
Marci Goulette


Marci Goulette, Preschool Classroom Paraprofessional
Patsy Murphy


Patsy Murphy, Paraeducator
Marcie Vox


Marcie Viox, School Bus Driver
Jen Cooper


Jen Cooper, Ed Tech/Behavioral Health Professional
Meghan M. Anderson


Meghan M. Anderson, Paraeducator
Karen Torres


Karen Torres, Instructional Asst./Registered Behavior Tech
Laura L. Shattuck


Laura L. Shattuck, Custodian
Derrick A. Woodall, Sr.


Derrick A. Woodall, Sr., IT Systems Specialist
Sarah Smythe


Sarah Smythe, Maintenance Electrician
Britten Postma


Britten Postma, Laboratory Animal Tech/Pharm-Research Tech
Mark Richards

New Jersey

Mark Richards, Maintenance Employee
Abril Perea

New Mexico

Abril Perea, Educational Asst./Library Technician
James Chaney

New York

James Chaney, Teaching Assistant
Beryl Torrence

North Carolina

Beryl Torrence, Asst. Director of Transportation Operations
Laurie Mahrer

North Dakota

Laurie Mahrer, Speech/Language Pathology Assistant
Cheryl Williams


Cheryl Williams, Administrative Secretary
Jackie Phillips


Jackie Phillips, Physical Security
Patti Lawrence


Patti Lawrence, Field Coordinator-Router/Bus Driver/Bus Aide
Becky Marszalek


Becky Marszalek, Instructional Paraprofessional
Christine Alves

Rhode Island

Christine Alves, Administrative Assistant for Special Services
Donna J. Randells

South Carolina

Donna J. Randells, Secretary
Jordan Fuqua


Jordan Fuqua, General Assistant
Novella McGinnis


Novella McGinnis, Attendance ADA Secretary & PEIMS Person
Andy Markus


Andy Markus, Assistant Facilities Manager
Linda G. Corliss


Linda G. Corliss, Instructional Assistant
Alyce Holmes Pope


Alyce Holmes Pope, Family Services Specialist
Aimee Bishop


Aimee Bishop, Secretary/Registrar/Transition Specialist/Case Manager
KoBao Kong


KoBao Kong, Career Center Coordinator
Frances Vigil


Frances Vigil, Paraprofessional

NEA ESP of the Year Speaker Request Form

The NEA ESP of the Year welcomes invitations to speak at in-person and virtual state and local events. To request the ESP of the Year (ESPOTY) to participate in an event, please:
  • Complete the form below, and
  • Ask the State Affiliate President to submit a formal request to the NEA President by email. Once approved by the NEA President, staff will work with the NEA ESPOTY to determine availability. 

Event Details

Session Content

Audience Information

Please share the names and titles, if possible, of any notable NEA or ESP leaders expected to attend (e.g., Board members, committee chairs, executive committee members).

Logistical Information

Is the event in the same location as the speaker's hotel?
Who is responsible for securing the speaker's hotel reservation?
Will ground transportation be provided for the speaker?

Contact Information

Will the main contact be on-site at the event?
ESP of Year Jen Bramson accepts her award
“We are making changes every day. We are demanding what we need for our students, for public education, for education support professionals, and for teachers. We are showing up locally, nationally, and with our states.”
Quote by: Jen Bramson, 2024 NEA Education Support Professional of the Year
Two people sitting on sofa

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