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Oppose extreme GOP funding bill that slashes education investments

Draconian cuts in education funding sought by GOP hardliners cruelly target students.
A young black girl sits in a classroom with other children and is starting at a paper on her desk, appearing frustrated Adobe Stock

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Urge your senators and representative to invest in, not cut, education funding

When the Fiscal Responsibility Act was enacted into law in the summer of 2023, it provided two years of discretionary budget caps meant to avoid unnecessary brinksmanship over a government shutdown.

But just like in 2024, House GOP leaders are caving to the most extreme voices. Their FY2025 ed funding bill slashes education by $11 billion or 14 percent. More specifically they want to cut Title I by 25 percent, completely eliminate the English Language Learner program, eliminate all funding for class size reduction and professional development, and slash Full-Service Community Schools by half.

The Senate has not yet released an FY2025 ed funding bill.

Educators, parents and allies stopped similar extreme cuts in the final FY2024 bill and must do so again.