Join NEA HigherEd Today! Be part of our movement!
How to Join our union today!
Join the Alabama Education Association
The Alabama Education Association (AEA) is the member-driven voice of Alabama's education employees. AEA members are teachers, education support professionals, administrators, professors, future teachers, and education retirees.
Join the Alabama Education Association
Contact: Connect with AEA -
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Arizona Education Association
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Arizona Education Association
Contact: Connect with AEA -
Join the Arkansas Education Association
Joining the Arkansas Education Association is one of the most important choices you can make to protect and strengthen public education in our state. Join using the Arkansas Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with AEA.
Join the California Teachers Association
CTA members individually and collectively are the best and most important advocates for public education and the professionals that make it possible.
Join the California Teachers Association
Contact: Connect with CTA
Join the Colorado Education Association
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Colorado Education Association
Contact: Connect with the Colorado Education Association -
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Florida Education Association
Join with the nearly 150,000 other members of the Florida Education Association. Together we’re fighting for good jobs, fair pay, safe working and learning conditions, and respect on the job. Join through the Florida Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with FEA.
Join the Georgia Association of Educators
GAE works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Georgia Association of Educators
Contact: Connect with GAE -
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Illinois Education Association
The Illinois Education Association-NEA’s mission is to effect excellence and equity in public education and to be THE advocacy organization for all public education employees. Join through the Illinois Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with your local IEA office.
Join the Indiana State Teachers Association
Whether it’s representation at the bargaining table, legal support, professional development, or advocacy, we’re here for you. ISTA provides advice and professional advocacy on a range of issues you face as an educator including salary, evaluation support, contract compliance, and enforcement and retirement.
Join the Indiana State Teachers Association
Contact: Connect with your association representative (RA), UniServ office, or the Member Resource Center at 844-ASK-ISTA (844-275-4782). -
Join the Iowa State Education Association
The Iowa State Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Iowa State Education Association
Contact: Connect with ISEA -
Join the Kansas National Education Association
We make public schools great for every child by promoting quality public schools, strengthening the teaching profession and improving the well-being of our members. Join through the Kansas National Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with KNEA.
Join the Kentucky Education Association
Membership in KEA provides the peace of mind to Kentucky educators that workplace issues and concerns are being advocated for and protected at home and in Frankfort. KEA works to secure and protect salaries, benefits, job security, retirement benefits, and the right of a quality public education for every student.
Join the Kentucky Education Association
Contact: Connect with KEA -
Join the Louisiana Association of Educators
LAE works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Louisiana Association of Educators
Contact: Connect with LAE -
Join the Maine Education Association
The Maine Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Maine Education Association
Contact: Connect with MEA -
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Massachusetts Teachers Association
The Massachusetts Teachers Association is a union, dedicated to improving the workplace and the quality of life for all education employees and to protecting their hard-won rights.
Join the Michigan Education Association
The mission of the MEA is to ensure that the education of our students and the working environments of our members are of the highest quality.
Join the Michigan Education Association
Contact MEA:1216 Kendale Blvd.
East Lansing, MI 48823
Telephone: 1-800-292-1934 Email: [email protected] -
Join Education Minnesota
Education Minnesota works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join Education Minnesota
Contact: Connect with Education Minnesota -
Join the Mississippi Association of Educators
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Mississippi Association of Educators
Contact MAE:775 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Fax: 601.352.7054 [email protected] -
Join Missouri NEA
Missouri NEA works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join Missouri NEA
Contact: Connect with MNEA -
Join the Montana Federation of Public Employees
MFPE is an organization of our members, by our members, and for our members. If you are a Montana public employee working in state, county, and city government; K-12 public schools; higher education; Head Start, or health care, we are the union for you. Join through the Montana Federation of Public Employees portal.
Have a question? Connect with MFPE.
Join the Nebraska State Education Association
The Nebraska State Education Association is the state's single most effective voice for teachers, students, and public schools. Their long-term commitment to improving the working conditions of teachers – and the learning conditions of students – is a major factor in the continuing high quality of Nebraska’s public school system.
Join the Nebraska State Education Association
Contact NSEA: Contact an Organizational Specialist or the NSEA Membership Department at 1-800-742-0047 or [email protected]
New Hampshire
Join NEA New Hampshire
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
New Jersey
Join the New Jersey Education Association
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the New Jersey Education Association
Contact: Connect with NJEA
New Mexico
Join NEA-New Mexico
NEA-New Mexico works to put kids first, promote professional excellence and improve the well-being of school employees.
Join NEA-New Mexico
Contact: Connect with NEA-NM -
New York
Join the New York State United Teachers
NYSUT is 600,000 members strong, giving members a voice and the ability to fight for fair salaries, stronger pensions, and better health care. We're working to roll back misguided state testing requirements and to advocate for the fair treatment of all our members. By working together, we can keep our union strong.
North Carolina
Join the North Carolina Association of Educators
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the North Carolina Association of Educators
Contact: Connect with NCAE -
North Dakota
Join North Dakota United
North Dakota United is the state’s largest and most-effective union of public workers! Join us, and lend us your thoughts, your insights and experiences, your energy, and your enthusiasm for the important work you do each day. Join through the North Dakota United portal.
Have a question? Connect with ND United:
301 N 4th St. Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 223-0450
[email protected] -
Join the Ohio Education Association
OEA currently represents more than 122,000 teachers, faculty members, and support professionals who work in Ohio’s schools, colleges, and universities to improve public education and the lives of Ohio’s children. Join through the Ohio Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with OEA.
Join the Oklahoma Education Association
OEA works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Oklahoma Education Association
Contact: Connect with OEA -
Join the Oregon Education Association
Become a member today and join more than 42,000 Oregon educators to advocate for ourselves, our students, and our communities.
Join the Oregon Education Association
Contact: Connect with OEA -
Join the Pennsylvania State Education Association
Our Association is 178,000 members strong – members who stick up for each other, support each other, and speak out when they need to. PSEA will fight for you when you need it most, speak out on issues that matter, and fight for the salary, benefits, pension, and respect you deserve.
Join the Pennsylvania State Education Association
Contact: Connect with PSEA -
Rhode Island
Join the NEA Rhode Island
The NEA Rhode Island represents 1 in every 100 Rhode Islanders. NEARI members invest in their students with everything they do, whether it's teaching a lesson, serving a meal, driving a bus, administering child health programs, helping with library skills, or providing college counseling.
Learn more about joining the NEA Rhode Island
Contact: Connect with NEARI -
South Carolina
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
South Dakota
Join the South Dakota Education Association
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the South Dakota Education Association
Contact: Connect with SDEA -
Join the Tennessee Education Association
The Tennessee Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members.
Join the Tennessee Education Association
Contact: Connect with TEA -
Join the Texas State Teachers Association
The Texas State Teachers Association is a movement to change the way public schools, their students and employees are treated. TSTA is the voice of public school educators in Texas, and is committed to the success of every student. Join through the Texas State Teachers Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with TSTA.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Washington Education Association
WEA's mission is to help public education be the best it can be for students, staff and communities. Join through the Washington Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with WEA.
Washington, D.C.
Interested in joining NEA HigherEd?
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to improve higher education for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.
West Virginia
Join the West Virginia Education Association
Your role, as an educator, is vital to the future success of our communities. WVEA’s role is to support your efforts and fight for your rights to proper compensation and benefits, better school funding, and proper representation inside and outside the classroom. Join through the West Virginia Education Association portal.
Have a question? Connect with WVEA.
Join the Wisconsin Education Association Council
The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) represents public education employees and advocates for the 865,000 children in Wisconsin public schools.
Join the Wisconsin Education Association Council
Contact: Connect with WEAC -
Join the Wyoming Education Association
Become part of the movement improving public education and advocating for better salaries. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our schools, our students, and ourselves.
Join the Wyoming Education Association
Contact: Connect with WEA

"Whether it is state funding, whether it has to do with the conditions of our life on campus—the union is the place where these things are taken up."
Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to band together and be heard in the halls of power. Now is the time to join.
Together, we are united in providing a high-quality higher education, so that every student can attain their dreams. We represent all roles necessary to provide a rich, equitable education, from administrators to adjunct faculty, counselors to program coordinators.

"We've been fighting for better wages, safer working conditions, properly ventilated buildings—it's important for us to fight for those rights."
We Stand Together
Be part of the movement. Becoming a member of the National Education Association connects you with a movement of faculty and staff supporting each other. We are a community that will help you advocate for the funding, resources, and support you, your campuses, and your students deserve. This includes:
- Having a voice at the table to advocate for improved working and student learning conditions, including winning increased pay and benefits
- Gaining professional development and leadership training
- Joining forces to make a difference in the social justice issues that matter most to you and that affect your students’ lives
- Protecting tenure and enhancing educator rights and offering guidance, advice, and, if necessary, legal representation
- Providing all eligible association members with professional liability insurance
- Improving your buying power and saving money with NEA’s Member Benefits program

"I never miss an opportunity to talk to my students about whether education may be their calling."
Three million members strong...

Florida Faculty Fighting for Free Speech and Ideas

At the Table Where Decisions are Made

Professional Pay in Higher Education

"The union gives you the support at your back to rectify inequality—to make it fairer for our students because public education is to educate the whole human.'