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Join NEA HigherEd Today! Be part of our movement!

We’re facing challenges we never expected, and faculty and staff like you are rising to the occasion. But you shouldn’t have to do this alone. Together we are the biggest and loudest advocates for our campuses, our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.

How to Join our union today!

When you join NEA you become a member of the local, state, and national level. Start by finding your state below and click the link to join.
Aruna Krishnamurthy
"Whether it is state funding, whether it has to do with the conditions of our life on campus—the union is the place where these things are taken up."
Quote by: Aruna Krishnamurthy, English Professor

Whether you’ve been faculty or staff for one day or forty years, now is the time to band together and be heard in the halls of power. Now is the time to join.

Together, we are united in providing a high-quality higher education, so that every student can attain their dreams. We represent all roles necessary to provide a rich, equitable education, from administrators to adjunct faculty, counselors to program coordinators.

Join NEA HigherEd!

Sheila Gilmour
"We've been fighting for better wages, safer working conditions, properly ventilated buildings—it's important for us to fight for those rights."
Quote by: Sheila Gilmour, Office Manager

We Stand Together

Be part of the movementBecoming a member of the National Education Association connects you with a movement of faculty and staff supporting each other. We are a community that will help you advocate for the funding, resources, and support you, your campuses, and your students deserve. This includes:

Julius Thomas, 2020 NEA Higher Educator of the Year
"I never miss an opportunity to talk to my students about whether education may be their calling."
Quote by: Julius Thomas, 2021 NEA Higher Educator of the Year

Three million members strong...

The National Education Association is the largest employee organization and labor union in the country.
Researcher in lab

Florida Faculty Fighting for Free Speech and Ideas

A new Florida law requiring state universities to survey faculty and students on their "viewpoints" is an attempt to chill everyone's right to free speech.
U.S. Capitol Building

At the Table Where Decisions are Made

Rep. Katie Porter joins NEA Higher Ed members in an online conversation to talk about what’s happening with higher education in Congress.

Professional Pay in Higher Education

Faculty, staff and graduate assistants should be fairly compensated for their work. But a new study shows pay is lacking, especially for contingent faculty and graduate assistants.
Cathy Fahey
"The union gives you the support at your back to rectify inequality—to make it fairer for our students because public education is to educate the whole human.'
Quote by: Cathy Fahey, Librarian
National Education Association logo

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.