The National Education Association (NEA) is committed to ensuring that school is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive place where all students can thrive, regardless of circumstance or ZIP code, and where educators have the support and resources they need to be successful. We believe supporting students who suffer from childhood trauma requires whole school involvement and transformation. All school employees play a crucial role in supporting students impacted by childhood trauma. In keeping with this vision, the Association and its affiliates are actively engaged in finding ways for schools and educators to address the issue of trauma and its implications for learning, behavior, and school safety.
From school shootings that shock the nation with grim regularity to the daily toll of violence, poverty, abuse, and addiction in our communities that rarely makes headlines, America’s students and their families often experience traumatic events that can shape their lives forever.
Decades of research and studies have established that children who experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) not only are more likely to exhibit negative behaviors at school, but are more likely to develop risky behaviors. They are more likely to face a host of negative health consequences over their lifetimes, including reduced life expectancy. Data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) showed that 46 percent of America’s children had experienced at least one adverse childhood experience with the number rising to 55 percent for children aged 12 to 17. One in five U.S. children had two or more ACEs.
Given the pervasiveness of ACEs across the population, most educators encounter trauma-affected students throughout their careers, whether they know it or not. Often these students exhibit a sudden change in behavior, from social withdrawal to violent outbursts or self-harm. When an educator frequently interrupts instruction to address disruptive behavior, teaching and learning for the entire class can suffer.
These outbursts and the punishments that often follow affect the psychological well-being and safety of both educators and students and, left unexamined, contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline that NEA is committed to eradicating.
Unions and districts across the country are working together to address the epidemic of trauma in schools with students’ and educators’ needs in mind. They are collaborating to transform schools into "trauma-informed" or "trauma-sensitive" environments, taking deliberate steps to become safe havens for every student and safe working environments for every educator.
ACEs awareness and engagement on a national level is imperative to ensure students are healthy, safe, engaged and supported so that they are ready to learn. Trauma-sensitive and trauma-informed environments allow educators the opportunity to collaborate in a way that supports a student’s mental and physical health so that learning can occur. School communities that engage in paid professional development, practice and support for all school employees create a culture that builds resilience for all students. Trauma-sensitive focus on education fosters a school climate where students feel safe and confident in their ability to learn, can differentiate between trauma induced behavior and appropriate behavior, and connect with adults and peers in a positive manner.
NEA believes that supporting students’ needs around the issues of trauma will enable them to come to school ready to learn and meet academic challenges that reinforce the development of life skills, mental stimulation, and student learning. When schools become trauma sensitive, they strive to ensure that all students are receiving the supports they need to succeed.
More Information about ACEs
Resources on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Practices
The following resources can be utilized to build foundational knowledge of trauma and supportive educational practices for students. The list starts with resources related to adverse childhood experience (ACES), as they are often the precursor to childhood trauma, and moves to childhood trauma and trauma-informed practices. The list also contains resources on other trauma-related topics.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente Study on ACES
- Dr. Nadine Burke Harris- Understanding Aces – Video
- Fast Facts: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences | Violence Prevention Injury Center- CDC
- Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (
Childhood Trauma
- What is Child Trauma? | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
- Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development (
- Some FAQs for Educators on Children's Trauma (
- Dr. Nadine Burke Harris- Childhood Trauma- Video
- Understanding Childhood Trauma (SAMHSA)
Trauma-Informed Practices
- Trauma-Informed Schools | NEA
- MSEA-Trauma-Toolkit-for-Educators.pdf (
- Infographic: 6 Guiding Principles To A Trauma-Informed Approach | CDC
- Trauma-Aware Teaching Checklist - Google Docs
- Preventing Childhood Trauma: Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Trauma Sensitive Schools Training and Action Guide - PDF (
- Creating Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms | NAEYC
Trauma-Related Topics
- Violence Prevention Fundamentals (
- Trauma and Violence (SAMHSA)
- Community Violence and Trauma Support | Center for Violence Prevention (
- Grief and Loss Resources for Educators
- Culture and Trauma | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
Trauma Support Resources
- Psychological First Aid and Recovery (
- PTSD: National Center for PTSD Home (
- Introducing STAT – The Center for Resiliency, Hope, and Wellness in Schools (
- Resources - Center for Youth Wellness
Support Resources to Support Immigrant Students and Families
- How Educators Can Support Immigrant and Migrant Students | NEA
- Addressing Student Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression | Colorín Colorado
- Traumatic Separation and Refugee and Immigrant Children: Tips for Current Caregivers | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Separación Traumática, Niños Migrantes y Refugiados: Consejos para Padres, Cuidadores Primarios y Proveedores | The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- The Traumatic Effects of Forced Deportation on Families | Psychology Today
- U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement | American Immigration Council
- 11 Strategies Schools Can Use to Support Students After an Immigration Raid | Colorín Colorado
- Helping Immigrant Children: How Educators Can Support Students Before & After an ICE Raid | CEI
- Immigration Raid Resources | CLASP
- National Immigration Legal Services Directory - Nonprofit Resource Center
- Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC
American Psychological Association Resources
Suggested Further Reading
ACEs Connection Website
ACEs Connection
ACEs Too High Website
ACEs Too High
Harvard University Center of the Developing Child
Harvard University
National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement Website
National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
Grief and Loss Resources for Educators and Students
Partnerships for Resilience Website
Partnerships for Resilience
FAQs for Educators on Children’s Trauma
Top Trauma-Informed Practices, According to Educators