The Zone 4 Digital Bootcamp is a program designed by state affiliate staff in partnership with NEA HQ's digital team. Join us to discuss digital best practices, explore the connection between different platforms, and learn how to leverage digital tools to directly support our work.
- When: December 9-11 (Plan on arriving by 5pm on December 9 and leaving no earlier than 5pm on December 11)
- Where: The Bootcamp is hosted by the Washington Education Association and will take place at their offices: 32032 Weyerhaeuser Way S, Federal Way, WA 98001
Over the two and a half day course we will:
- Gain skills that directly support Affiliate work
- Explore the connection between various digital platforms and data systems
- Build participant confidence in best practices across all digital platforms
- Create a community of practice for continuous learning during and following the training
Participants will leave the Bootcamp with new skills, connections to other practitioners, and a developed communications plan related to their Affiliate's upcoming priorities. Hotel rooms, breakfast, lunch, and welcome dinner will be provided. Please fill out our registration form by November 15 to secure your spot.