I am honored to serve as your president. United, we will reclaim public education as a common good and transform it into a racially and socially just system that actually prepares every student—not one, not some, but every single student—to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world. Onward!
Face to Face With NEA Members
This fall, I toured schools and met with NEA members in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan—and I saw what’s possible when NEA members demand support for every student and respect for every educator. At Pennoyer Elementary School, in Norridge, Ill., I celebrated with union members who finally won a funding referendum—after six tries! In Michigan, I saw what’s possible when union members work to elect pro-public education candidates. State education budgets have increased, and every student gets free breakfast and lunch! Alongside Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Education Association President Chandra Madafferi, I saw how state funds are converting an empty building into an early childhood center in Flint, and how voter-approved funds built a new middle school in Grandville—with a first-in-the-nation robotics arena!

Who I’ve Been Talking To
As part of my Instagram Live series, “Honesty in Education,” I have been diving into deep conversation with some of the most interesting and inspiring people. In September, I connected with Jessica Craven, a parent and political activist who writes a daily newsletter called Chop Wood, Carry Water, which suggests specific actions—signing petitions, making phone calls, etc.—that will make the world a better place for our babies. “You’re a mom, so you understand,” she told me. Yes, I do! It’s small actions like these, taken by millions of parents and educators working together, that will help our nation live into the poetry of our Constitution.
Then, in October, I talked with Chris Campbell, a third-grade teacher from Missouri who has ADHD, about disability justice and more. Watch the reels below or view them and others at

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