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Press Release

Keep Our PACT Act would ensure education is a priority in federal budget

Maryland Senator introduces the Keep Our PACT Act into Congress, which would create a 10-year mandatory glide path to fully fund both Title I and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, helping to ensure education is a priority in the federal budget.
Published: December 6, 2018

WASHINGTON -  U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) introduced the Keep Our PACT Act into Congress, which would create a 10-year mandatory glide path to fully fund both Title I and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that could help ensure education is a priority in the federal budget. The bill is supported by the National Education Association, which represents 3 million educators working in America’s public schools, colleges and universities.

The following statement can be attributed to NEA President Lily Eskelsen García:

“The National Education Association has been steadfast in its mission that that all students deserve early learning opportunities, classes small enough for one-on-one attention, modern tools and textbooks, and community support services. We thank Senator Van Hollen for his leadership and introducing the Keep Our PACT Act that makes student opportunity a federal budget priority, especially when it comes to the targeted investments in education programs designed to help students in poverty, children with disabilities and those who are most in need.

“Voters made it clear that they believe our schools need more resources. Congress always has fallen short on funding Title I and IDEA, but we believe the momentum is building to correct these shortfalls — and this bill proves it. We urge Congress to put students, educators and worki


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National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.