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Press Release

NEA’s new digital ad features kids who ask “Vote for Us” on November 6

NEA sends a powerful message via a new digital advertisement featuring kids asking you to vote for legislators who support public education.
Published: October 25, 2018

WASHINGTON - Kids can’t vote, so they are counting on you to use your voice to vote for candidates who will support public education, safe schools and health care for all students. That’s the powerful message behind a new digital ad, released by the National Education Association in the final stretch of Midterms 2018, which is fast becoming the “Year of the Educator” with nearly 1,500 educators on the ballot in the general election.

Kitchen table issues typically dominate the discussion during Midterm elections, and education has moved to top of this list. There has been a major spike in activism around education issues, thanks in part to the unprecedented statewide educator walkouts that happened in some of the reddest states this spring. Education is gearing up to be a pivotal issue and top of mind for voters as they head to the ballot box this November.

“As educators, our votes are crucial this year. Most of our students are not yet eligible to vote. Yet, so many of the issues directly affect their access to the resources and support they need in public schools, as well as college affordability and student loans,” said NEA President Lily Eskelsen García. “The #RedForEd movement pushed education to the forefront in many states, and across the nation, nearly 1,500 educators are running for office — more than ever.”

The ad ends with the call to action that educators, parents and voters across every community need to turn out on Election Day, November 6, to support the needs of kids.

Ad Script

I need textbooks that aren’t older than me.

I need art and music classes.

I need nurses and counselors at my school.

I need teachers who don’t have to work two or three jobs to pay their bills.

I need a school that is funded.

I need to be safe…

Safe… Safe… from gun violence.

I need health care if I get sick.

I need you to use your voice.

To elect leaders…

Who care...

About what kids need.

I can’t vote.

I can’t vote.

I can’t vote. That’s why I need you…



To vote.

To vote.

To vote.

For me.

For all of us who can’t vote.

Be our vote.

We’re counting on you.

View the digital ad here. Learn more about candidates who will be champions of kids at

Follow on twitter at @NEAmedia and @EdVotes

Keep up with the conversation on social media at #RedForEd #Vote4Ed #RememberInNovember


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National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.