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Press Release

Trump-Vance ticket a rubber stamp for extreme Project 2025, DeVos agenda

"“The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear," says NEA President Becky Pringle
Published: July 15, 2024

WASHINGTON — As Donald Trump names J.D. Vance as his running mate, National Education Association President Becky Pringle released the following statement:

"Educators understand what is at stake in this election for our students and our country. Donald Trump is a convicted felon who only cares about himself. This is the same man who entrusted Betsy DeVos, the least qualified Secretary of Education in history, to attempt to dismantle our public schools. He wants to ban books, take learning opportunities away from students, make educators pay more in taxes than billionaires, and eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.

“So, while Donald Trump might have selected J.D. Vance to be his running mate, it is clear he is nothing more than another MAGA extremist who will be a rubber stamp for Project 2025 and Betsy DeVos’s agenda.

“The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear, which is why NEA members are doing everything possible to ensure President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are reelected.”

J.D. Vance Background:

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The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.