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Background Checks for All Gun Sales

Homicide is the leading cause of death for children and young people in America, and in most cases, firearms are to blame.
Educators hold up signs that read Protect Our Schools Photo by Patrick Ryan

Take Action

Urge Congress to support universal background checks

Even before the horrific mass shootings in Uvalde, Colorado Springs, Monterey Park, and Michigan State University, polls showed that a majority of Americans support universal background checks. A 2023 Fox News Poll replicated those findings: nearly 90% of respondents said they favored universal background checks.

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2023 in the House of Representatives and the Background Check Expansion Act in the Senate would require a background check for every gun sold and would close dangerous loopholes.

We are calling on members of Congress to work together to pass commonsense legislation that will end America’s epidemic of gun violence.