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Fully Fund IDEA & Title I

It’s time to fulfill America’s promise of equal opportunity for all students.
teacher reading to student in wheelchair

Take Action

Cosponsor and support the Keep Our PACT Act

The Keep Our Pact Act (S. 343/H.R. 869) would create a mandatory 10-year path to fully funding both the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act—critical programs for the students most in need.

Title I, first passed nearly 60 years ago as part of President Johnson’s War on Poverty, provides financial help to high-poverty schools and districts using statutory formulas based on census poverty estimates and the cost of education in each state. 

Meanwhile, Congress promised to pay 40 percent of the excess costs of special education services when it first passed IDEA nearly 50 years ago, but has never come close; the federal share is now less than 12 percent, passing those costs off to states and localities, and shortchanging services available to all students.

Email your members of Congress and tell them to cosponsor and support the Keep Our PACT Act.