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Fully Repeal Unfair Social Security Penalties

Push for an immediate vote on the Social Security Fairness Act.
money with social security card

Take Action

Urge your senators and representative to push for a vote on the Social Security Fairness Act to fully repeal both the GPO and WEP.

More than 2.8 million hard-working Americans, including many educators, have their Social Security benefits reduced—or lose them entirely—due to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).  

The Social Security Fairness Act (S. 597/H.R. 82) fully repeals both the GPO and WEP. 

In a huge leap forward, Reps. Garret Graves (R-LA) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) introduced a discharge petition to force Speaker Mike Johnson to bring the bill to the floor. On Sept. 20, we reached the magic number of signatories to the discharge petition—a majority of 218—that triggers a floor vote on the Social Security Fairness Act.

The vote is likely to occur toward the beginning of the Lame Duck session following the November elections.  

The bipartisan push to repeal the GPO/WEP is a direct result of your advocacy and the momentum we have built. It also shows that reaching across the aisle can get results, even in these fractious times!