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Keep the Civil Service Nonpartisan

An executive order from the Trump Administration would politicize the U.S. government workforce, deny workers due process, and invite corruption.
Black male teachers reads aloud to young children in a library Adobestock

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SAY NO to Schedule F

Schedule F would strip as many as 50,000 federal workers of protections that help ensure they are nonpartisan, highly qualified for their jobs, and accountable for their performance. Those affected include educators teaching at Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools, both stateside and abroad.

The federal civil service has been nonpartisan since the 1880s—for good reason. Before that, the president appointed federal employees without regard to ability or anything other than loyalty.

Schedule F is an effort to turn the clock back more than 100 years—to redirect regulatory, administrative, and investigatory functions of the U.S. government away from the public interest and toward the president’s interests.

To limit the president’s ability to implement Schedule F, urge your members of Congress to support the bipartisan Saving the Civil Service Act (S. 134/H.R. 492).