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Make Public Service Loan Forgiveness Work for Educators

A rule that prevents many retirees and others from receiving loan forgiveness must be fixed.
Student Loan Debt Among Educators

Take Action

Tell your representative and senators to cosponsor and support the Bipartisan PSLF Payment Completion Fairness Act (S. 1331/H.R. 2949).

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program has been a lifeline for teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, and others who work in the public sector. More than 900,000 individuals have been able to take advantage of the program and receive student loan forgiveness.

Under the program, if borrowers make 120 monthly payments on federal student loans and complete at least 10 years of service, they are eligible to have their remaining loan balance forgiven. However, more can be done to reach additional public sector workers.

Because of how the law is written, many public service employees who have held up their end of the bargain are not getting the loan forgiveness they have worked toward. The law requires them to be employed in the public sector at the time of receiving loan forgiveness—even if they have already completed their 10 years and made qualifying payments.

The bicameral, bipartisan PSLF Payment Completion Fairness Act (S. 1331/H.R. 2949) would remove this requirement, allowing retired educators and others who have fulfilled their obligations to receive the debt forgiveness they have earned.