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Oppose Cuts to Nutrition Programs for Students and Working Families

We must not give billionaires tax cuts by gutting school meals and nutrition assistance.
A girl sits at a lunch table and holds cucumber over her eyes Adobe Stock

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Don’t sacrifice students’ health and nutrition for billionaires’ tax cuts!

Congress is considering budget proposals that could cut school meals and nutrition assistance programs for working families. Lawmakers are considering sacrificing these safety-net programs in order to provide tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.  

School meals and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provide crucial support for students and their families. When students receive school meals, their behavior, comprehension, attendance, and engagement improve. SNAP, our nation’s largest-anti-hunger program, is just as important in setting students up for success in school; it is a lifeline for families struggling with food insecurity.

Congress must oppose any budget measure or other legislation that would cut anti-hunger programs.