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Public Service Workers Deserve a Voice on the Job

They are the backbone of our communities and should have the right to negotiate salaries, benefits, and working conditions.
educators at a table for collective bargaining

Take Action

Tell your senators and representative to cosponsor the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act

The public service workers who see us through everyday life as well as crisis and hardship are essential to our communities, but there is no federal law that guarantees them the freedom to organize or engage in collective bargaining. In some states, they are even barred outright from exercising these fundamental freedoms. The Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (S. 4363/H.R. 8426) would provide the right to collectively bargain for all public service workers across the nation.

The legislation would enable public sector workers to come together in a union they freely choose to negotiate with their employers over wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment. It would grant protections when they speak out on unsafe or inefficient conditions on the job. In addition, in states without basic collective bargaining for public sector employees, the legislation would empower the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to step in to guarantee their rights to form a union and negotiate with their employer.

Please ask your senators and representative to cosponsor the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act (S. 4363/H.R. 8426).