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Safeguard America’s Most Successful Anti-Poverty Program

Support the Social Security 2100 Act to strengthen retirement security.
older white woman sitting on the couch on the phone with a computer on her lap Jenko Ataman for Adobe Stock

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Urge your senators and representative to support the Social Security 2100 Act and protect our most successful anti-poverty program.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, the Social Security Trust Fund could be depleted in less than a decade. That would trigger a 20-percent cut in benefits for senior citizens, veterans, and others who depend on Social Security for survival. 

The Social Security 2100 Act would extend the fund’s solvency, ensuring that hard-working Americans can retire with dignity. It would also eliminate two penalties— the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)—that deprive more than 2.5 million working people, including many educators, of their benefits. 

Through ensuring that millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, the legislation would provide an across-the-board benefit increase and improve the annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment to reflect seniors’ true costs.