When Annie Mergott, a former kindergarten teacher who is now a literary skills instructor in Asbury, N.J., checked her Facebook page in September, she found more than just the everyday happenings from family and friends. There was a note from her former kindergarten student, Sean Bannon, who she had taught nearly 20 years ago. Today, Bannon is a first-grade teacher in South Carolina. He credits Mergott for inspiring him to enter the profession. Here is what he wrote:
“Hi Mrs. Mergott! You might not remember me, but you taught me in kindergarten in 2000 – 2001! I am just now beginning my second year of teaching first grade! I just wanted to tell you that you definitely made an impact on me, and I probably wouldn’t have pursued teaching without your inspiration. Thank you for all you do/have done!”
“I was so humbled and also overjoyed to receive this. I remember this student very well, and am thrilled he is now a teacher himself,” says Mergott, a proud member of the Bethlehem Township Education Association. “It is an overwhelming feeling to have this kind of impact on another’s life.”