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2024 Aspiring Educator Elections

This summer the Aspiring Educators will elect six national leaders at the Aspiring Educators Conference in Philadelphia.
Aspiring Educators Logo, text reads: Education. Activism. Solidarity.

Meet the Candidates

The following Aspiring Educators members have declared their candidacy for office in the Aspiring Educators election to be held at the 2024 Aspiring Educators Conference in Philadelphia. 

Chairperson (one position, two-year term)

Hannah StClair

Board of Directors (two positions, one-year term)

Jessica Bailey

Janae Butler

Rebecca Cross

Jonathan Oyaga

Matthew Yuro

Alternate Board of Director (one position, one-year term)

Jillian Buzzard

Shantae Ferguson

Resolutions Committee (three positions, one-year term)

Alyssa Denman

Shantae Ferguson

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