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How to Become a Teacher - A School Me Series

In this podcast series, we explore the steps required to become a teacher and gather advice from seasoned educators to ease the journey for Aspiring Educators.
Published: October 2021 Last Updated: November 2022

"How to Become a Teacher" is a mini-series within NEA's School Me Podcast that taps the expertise of early career and seasoned educators to help Aspiring Educators and those considering a career in education feel prepared for the journey to the classroom. Here you will find links to recommended resources from each episode to help you dig deeper into the content.

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Episode 1: Licensure

Becoming a teacher of record requires more than just an education degree or good grades. There are often multiple standardized tests you need to pass. And it's different in every state—from the minimum scores required for licensure to the types of tests themselves. Our panel of guests discuss the licensure process for education majors, share their own experiences becoming licensed, and shed light on some of the problems standardized licensure testing can create for Aspiring Educators.

Featured Licensure Resources

teacher at desk

Profession-Ready Teachers

What is a “profession-ready” teacher? And what knowledge must a teacher candidate master to be considered profession-ready? Learn more by downloading this guide.
A woman studies using a laptop


NEA believes that all teachers should be “profession-ready” from their first day of being responsible for student learning. Use these resources to start preparing for the edTPA and other pre-service assessments.
Aspiring Educators Logo, text reads: Education. Activism. Solidarity.

Aspiring Educators

NEA's leading voice for the next generation of teachers.

Webinar: Preparing to Take a Praxis® Test

Hosted by ETS, this webinar can help you prepare for your exam. Note: This links to an external site.

Khan Academy - Official Praxis® Core Prep

Recommended by our panelists, Khan Academy offers a free Praxis prep course, developed in collaboration with the makers of the Praxis Core test. Note: This links to an external site.

Episode 2: Student Teaching

Your time as a student teacher is your best and last chance to get real classroom experience before you take control of your very own classroom, so it’s one of the most important parts of your teacher training. Everyone’s experience is unique, but we want to give you an idea of what to expect: green flags, red flags, and tips to help make the most of your internship time. Our 3 guests are here to help demystify the student teaching process and give you insider advice that will help you make the most out of your internship.

Featured Student Teaching Resources

Happy college student

Making the Most of Student Teaching: Positive Professional Relationships

Cooperating teachers and future employers provide their best advice on how to make a positive impression and get started on a successful career by following these keys to professionalism as a teacher.
Diverse Students in Library

Making the Most of Student Teaching: Great Activities

Reach beyond your classroom and school to enhance your professional resume AND your readiness for success as a teacher by engaging in the broad-ranging learning activities suggested in this guide.
Kindergarten students children surrond teacher reading

Making the Most of Student Teaching: Make the Experience Great

The most successful educator preparation programs follow several worthwhile processes. Make sure to look for this kind of program OR ask your program to help you have these rich experiences even if they supplement their basic design. You'll be professionally rewarded!
teacher residencies

Recruiting New Teachers With Residency Programs

Teacher residencies can help draw more people to the profession while offering community, collaboration—and cash.

Episode 3: My Path to the Classroom

Everyone's path to teaching looks a little different. Aspiring educator Dajsha Williams and first-year educator Dylan Toth share every step of their journey toward becoming a teacher, from their childhoods to their first day at the head of the classroom.

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Students with NEA recognition awards

Become an Aspiring Educator

NEA’s Aspiring Educators Program supports, develops, and empowers diverse, pre-service teachers with the resources, networks, and opportunities to lead in their schools, communities, and in all phases of their career.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.