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Educators Win Together Submission Form

We want to hear from you! Let us know how you have worked with your union to create change for school staff and students.

Tell us about your union win.

No win is too small. Whether you secured a contract that included additional planning time, passed state legislation funding mental health supports for students, or improved the infrastructure at a single school, these changes make a daily impact in the life of the educators around you.

We are gathering stories about local, state, and national wins that made a difference for educators and students. Add your story by filling out the form below!

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Fill Out Our Story Form

Which of the following constituency groups did your win support? Select all that apply.
  • PK-12 Active Professional/Certified: Individuals employed in public education in a certified position in a public school district or institution whose job is primarily education.
  • PK-12 Active Education Support Professional (ESP)/Classified: Individuals who are employed in public education in a support position in a public school district or institution whose job is primarily in education.
  • Higher Education Professional/Certified: Individuals who are employed in public education in a support position in a  institution of higher learning.
  • Higher Education Support Professional (ESP)/Classified: Individuals who are employed in public education in a support position in a institution of higher learning.
  • Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP): Non-classroom educators with specialized training to support the instructional process, resulting in academic and social/emotional success for students.
  • Public Service Employees: City, county, and state employees who provide a wide variety of services for the benefit of our communities.
  • Retired/Pre-Retired Educators: Individuals no longer employed in public education and who are eligible to receive a pension from an educational employment institution. You may join as a pre-retired member in advance of retirement.
  • Aspiring Educators: People enrolled in a post-secondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (educator) membership in the NEA.
  • Community Allies: Individuals interested in advancing the cause of public education and who are not eligible for any of the NEA membership categories appearing above.
Which of the following topics does your win cover? Check all that apply.
We've selected a list of topics that have been found by research to be especially effective at persuading potential members to join the union.
  • Professional Pay: Competitive pay is crucial for attracting and retaining qualified educators for our students, throughout their academic journeys. Wins can include raises, bonuses, or other monetary incentives.
  • Health Care Benefits & Policy: Educators deserve access to quality, affordable, and comprehensive health care coverage. Wins can include expansion of benefits, the protection of benefits, or making benefits more accessible to everyone.
  • Pensions & Retirement Security: All educators deserve the ability to retire with financial security. Wins can include protecting/increasing pension benefits, 401K matches, or other ways to support the wellbeing of retired educators.
  • Job & Career Security: We are coming together to fight privatization and ensure job and career security for all educators. Wins can include protections against outsourcing school services, anti-tenure practices, and non-renewal except in cases with just cause.
  • Student Debt Relief/College Affordability: Higher education must be affordable and accessible to all. Wins can include increased relief, lowered tuition costs, or increases in aid.
  • Just & Equitable Schools: Racial and social justice are education justice. Wins can include policy, curriculum, or legislative changes that make schools safe and welcoming places for people of all races, differing abilities, genders, and sexual orientations.
  • Student & Educator Mental Health: The current mental health crisis impacts both students and educators across the country. Wins can include expanded mental health programs, additional programmatic staff, or better policies/coverage around mental health care and leave.
  • School Health & Safety: Every student deserves to feel safe at school. Wins can include policies that promote gun safety, infrastructure investments to make health school buildings, and changes that promote environmental justice.
  • Funding for Public Schools: Adequate funding provides a strong foundation to build the schools educators and students dream about. Wins can include school board investments, state budget increases, or other ways of securing additional funding.
  • Standardized Testing: Effective assessments put equity first and students at the center. Wins can include ending ineffective high-stakes testing or implementing better assessment processes.
  • Paid Leave: Paid leave can improve educators' health and keep them in the profession. Wins can include additional or newly paid time for: assault/injury, medical leave, family leave, professional development, bereavement, and more. 
  • Protected Time at Work: Protected planning, meeting, break, union, or prep time provides paid time for educators to take care of themselves, their students, and their assigned duties during the work day. Wins include changes that protect time during the day so that less/no work needs to be done outside contracted hours.
Arizona educators rally for education funding

Some of Your Most Hard-Fought Victories Accomplished Together!

This year the word “normal” was thrown out the window as educators around the country met challenges we could never have anticipated. And in the face of historic circumstances, we came together and won for our students, our colleagues, and our communities during this extremely extraordinary year.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.