NEA Teacher Quality Program Descriptions

Blended Learning Program
NEA Teacher Quality’s blended learning online courses are developed by NEA members for NEA members. These interactive courses combine both traditional face-to-face meetings with the greater efficiencies and flexibility of online learning tools. The courses provide research-based strategies to support professional growth and achievement for NEA members.
NEA blended learning courses are designed to enhance collaborative professional learning. They are available to NEA affiliates through NEA’s learning management system (LMS). In addition, members may work together in national cohorts or, in some cases, as independent study courses.
Coaching and Mentoring Institute
The Teacher Quality Coaching and Mentoring Institute (CAMI) serves as a structure for professional supports and increased member engagement. By participating in the Institute, we encourage educators to explore coaching theories and techniques that promote and support equitable learning environments for diverse students across the country. The NEA advocates for educators to be change agents. CAMI participants explore strategies for leaders to refine their communication skills, facilitate team building and coaching skills. Every course within the institute uplifts the tenets of diversity, equity, and cultural competence, The Institute's goal is for leaders to apply strategies to uncover and further develop their leadership skills and provide guidance to their colleagues for dynamic and transformative relationships.
Community Schools Program
Community schools provide not only tremendous opportunities for learning and success for students, but they also offer hope, opportunity, and transformation to entire communities. They are schools built with the understanding that students often come to the classroom with challenges that impact their ability to learn, explore, and develop to their greatest potential. Because learning never happens in isolation, community schools provide free healthy meals, health care, tutoring, mental health counseling, and other tailored services before, during, and after school. The days of attempting to compartmentalize problems that are inextricably linked has failed, and community schools provide an evidence-based pathway to lifting all students and the communities in which they live. A better future of education is possible, and the NEA has the blueprint and is ready to get to work.
NEA supports the growth of Community School best practices through its Community School Institute.
Early Career Learning Labs
The Early Career Learning Labs (ECLL) are a professional learning program meant to support early career educators (ECEs) around instructional and classroom problems of practice. The Labs occur in a blended learning format both in face to face and online. The program is member-led, member-driven. Our theory of change is to organize teacher leaders who believe that we must address early career educators’ instructional and classroom problems of practice by creating blended learning opportunities, so that by the end of their learning cycle, ECEs will have a supported path to improve each student’s learning environment.
Early Leadership Institute
The Early Leadership Institute (ELI) provides an opportunity for state affiliates to strengthen their connection to early career teachers in a cohort-based learning journey around issues of concern to the next generation of teacher leaders.
At each local site, one Coach will lead a small group (between 10 and 12) of ELI Fellows through a six-month curriculum designed to (1) help them identify a local issue for early career educators; (2) research the problem and identify affiliate-based opportunities for a solution; and (3) create a plan to propose to the local association for how to address the issue. The Coach also helps ELI Fellows engage local association leaders and stakeholders; participate in local leadership meetings; and attend a statewide leadership event.
JumpStart Program
National Board Certification (NBC) is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that goes beyond state licensure. NBC has national standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous certification process.
NEA supports and promotes the national certification process as an important element of a comprehensive system to ensure teacher quality. We provide support to our state and local affiliates on National Board issues. We bring together NBPTS staff and our state instructional issues staff regularly to discuss recruiting and supporting National Board candidates. We provide workshops for potential candidates—such as the "JumpStart" program—where we demystify the NBC process, delve into the standards, and help our members understand the requirements.
Micro-credentials Program
A micro-credential is a short, competency-based recognition that allows an educator to demonstrate mastery in a particular area. NEA micro-credentials are grounded in research and best practice and designed to be:
- Personalized: You can create your own learning journey, based on your interests and career goals; gaps in your skills; and the specific needs of your students, school, and district.
- Flexible: You can study when it’s convenient for you, alone or with your peers.
- Performance-based: Unlike “sit-and-get” certifications, NEA micro-credentials are awarded based on demonstrated mastery of the subject matter, not just for showing up.
With more than 200 micro-credentials from which to choose, NEA micro-credentials are created and assessed by educators for educators. They are job-embedded professional learning experiences that ask educators to apply skills needed to show competency in various educational topics. After successfully completing a micro-credential, NEA issues a digital badge that can be shared with your administration or on social media.
T-Path Program
NEA will introduce the Teacher Pathway Leadership Institute (T-Path) in January 2022. T-Path is an accelerated policy pathway-focused program designed to develop teacher leaders. These leaders go on to assist their local affiliates to advocate for policies and systemic changes that create and promote equitable learning environments for all learners.
Participants will engage with other T-Path Fellows through an interactive curriculum designed and facilitated by other expert teachers. T-Path offers the professional learning, support, and experience necessary for teachers to expand their influence and offer their expertise in new contexts. The curriculum is infused with a deep study of diversity, equity, and cultural competence.
The eight-modular curriculum content is delivered through face-to-face meetings and webinars over approximately 16-20 weeks scheduled by the affiliate. T-Path will mobilize Fellows’ leadership potential to strengthen the teaching profession and provide vision and direction to the Association through their cohort’s capstone project. In addition, NEA and the affiliate will develop systems to support Fellows’ ongoing professional growth as a teacher leader.
NEA Teacher Quality offers Interactive and practice-oriented live webinars led by members for members on current teaching and learning topics. Topics are developed in response to member needs. Recorded webinars, slide decks, and certificates of attendance are available via NEA’s Storefront. Additionally, some topics are turned into independent study courses also available through the Storefront. Affiliates can request their own series from our catalogue of offerings.