NEA Sues States Over Censorship Laws

NEA is taking five states to court over censorship laws that suppress lessons and discussions about race and gender. The lawsuits aim to protect educators’ freedom to teach and students’ freedom to learn accurate, honest, and inclusive lessons.
Lawsuits have been filed in:
- Florida
- Oklahoma
- Georgia
- New Hampshire
- Tennessee
NEA Chips Away at Student Loan Debt

NEA members have made their voices heard loud and clear. The U.S. Department of Education, after working directly with NEA, introduced a new student loan repayment plan that has reduced the monthly repayment to $0 for 2.9 million borrowers.
Called Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE), the new income-driven repayment plan, which debuted in August 2023, also allows monthly payments to count toward Public Service Loan Forgiveness, a program that forgives the student debt of teachers and other public service workers after 10 years of service.
Since President Joe Biden took office, NEA has partnered with his administration to transform the state of student debt, making it easier for educators to afford debt repayment.
Find out more at
NEA Members Deliver Blow to Voucher Schemes

The Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) spearheaded a challenge to a terrible voucher law supported by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. With NEA support, an NSEA-led coalition collected more than 117,000 signatures to qualify a state ballot measure for the November 2024 election. Nebraskans will now have the chance to vote down the harmful law, which diverts taxpayer dollars away from cash-strapped public schools to private schools.
New NEA Program Advances Student Learning

NEA’s new Accelerating Student Learning Program gives educators real solutions to close the opportunity gaps that affect students nationwide.
Teams of educators, paraeducators, parents, and administrators will pilot the program in 10 districts across the country.
Each team will apply a unique plan, such as small group tutoring sessions, professional development, and strategies that increase student engagement. Other plans address student hunger, attendance, and inclusion.
Learn more at