Now that we have a glorious taste of victory in the 2020 election—with Joe Biden poised to become the next president of the United States—we’re ready to continue the good work already in place. Many thanks to those of you who worked so hard to bring us to a place where we know we have support for public education in every facet: our schools, our educators, our students.

Take a deep breath, for this is only the beginning. Of this, I am sure. Our Retired members in our local and state affiliates have been busy training, advocating, and moving our goals forward.
In late September, we saw one state on the West Coast hold its first ever statewide conference, and they had to do it virtually. The same afternoon on the East Coast, our members finished a three-day conference with trainings, speakers, association business, all while having a genuinely good time—once more virtually.
Our committees have been meeting virtually since early September, continuing to work on more and better communications. Once more public action committee (PAC) captains are attempting to collect PAC Funds at home. Who knows? We might even top last year’s superb giving!
We anticipate doing the same fundraising at our meetings with those FUN auctions. The legislative committee has been keeping members informed on important issues, asking you to write, call, and contact your lawmakers on issues of importance. Of course, we are working to increase membership as well as reaching out to all members to keep the gates of communication and involvement open.
It all comes down to this: Retired members are workers! We know what needs to be done. Join us in any and all activities. We are NEA-Retired; our commitment continues!