Cover story: Student Activism on the Rise
Aspiring educators are taking to the streets to show support for social justice, climate change, fair pay, equity in education, and other important issues. Learn what inspired your peers in NEA’s Aspiring Educators program to act.
Surviving a Global Pandemic in College
The coronavirus has profoundly altered the college and student teaching experience for most aspiring educators. NEA Today spoke to four members who shared their stories and how they coped.
Project 18
NEA’s student members have a long history of activism. Fifty years ago, they successfully campaigned to lower the voting age from 21 to 18, allowing you and millions of young people to participate in democracy.
New Educators Are Ready to Lead
Young educators are discovering opportunities to learn, grow, and take on new challenges through their union.
NEA Explainers
Want to know how to ace your first virtual job interview, pass your edTPAs, improve your teaching practice, or build people power online? These quick reads will help you navigate your transition from student life to the professional (and union!) world.
- Mastering the Virtual Job Interview
- Build People Power Online
- Ace your edTPA
- Get Ready for Your Profession
- Improve Your Online Teaching Techniques
- Learn How to Decrease Your Student Loan Payments
Recruiting Educators of Color
Find out how aspiring educators are working to attract more People of Color into the teaching profession.
Special Sections
How Does NEA Help Aspiring Educators?
The benefits of membership of belonging to NEA.
Service & Awards
NEA-Retired members are helping the next generation of teachers with the Jack Kinnaman Memorial Scholarship. Meet this year’s recipients!
From the Chair
Cameo Kendrick shares how the Aspiring Educators program helped her find her voice.
President's Viewpoint
Aspiring educators are the foundation of a bright future.
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