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Nine educators stand outside the NEA headquarters building in Washington, DC talking

NEA Today Past Issues

NEA Today Past Issues
NEA publishes NEA Today, NEA Today for Aspiring Educators, and NEA Today for Retired Members, magazines focused on the issues and interests of K-12, aspiring, and retired educators. Browse our archives.

Result List

NEA Today for Aspiring Educators 2024 Cover

NEA Today for Aspiring Educators, 2024

In this issue, find out how NEA Aspiring Educators are taking action to end gun violence on college campuses and how you can join their efforts. Plus, learn how you can take a stand against book bans, use your talents to advocate for students and public schools, and help get out the vote for this year's pivotal 2024 presidential election.
NEA Today January 2024 Cover

NEA Today, January 2024

On Nov. 30, 2021, Michigan high school teacher Melissa Gibbons became part of a group she never wanted to join: school shooting survivors. Melissa shares her story in the latest issue of NEA Today, as we explore the complex issue of gun violence and meet educators who are making a difference in their schools. Together, we can change this.
October 2023 NEA Today Cover

NEA Today, October 2023

In our October issue of NEA Today, we have educators' and students' backs, from shining a light on the mental health crisis in our rural communities, to keeping educators safe from physical harm in the classroom, to advocating for students with disabilities, and more. Learn how educators are making math more relevant, why we can't judge schools based on rankings, and how education support professionals are getting free of student loan debt.
October 2023 - NEA Today Retired Cover

NEA Today Retired, October 2023

In our latest issue, find out how NEA-Retired members are fighting to make sure all educators get the Social Security benefits they have earned. Also, hit the road with former teachers who are taking their love for learning on the road with educational vacations, and meet an inspiring activist who blazed a trail for LGBTQ+ rights.
NEA Today Retired, August 2023

NEA Today Retired, August 2023

How do you craft a retirement that’s uniquely you? Learn how to identify your energy style, and discover what it means for your retirement. Meet a former educator who flipped a school board and is standing up for equity for all students. And find out how ableism and ageism go hand in hand, and what you can do to create change.
Cover of August 2023 NEA Today magazine. Shows a collage of 7 images of educators on the job with the text: 7 ways to make this a great school year

NEA Today, August 2023

Welcome to NEA Today’s new digital experience! In this back-to-school issue, you’ll find helpful tips for starting the school year right—and a video classroom tour with Delaware teacher Alison Tingle. Spoiler alert: She has superpowered organizational skills! Plus, learn how to accelerate student learning, mentor a colleague, and meet support staff leaders who are creating meaningful change. Bonus feature: If you see an article you like, you can now share it on social media with just a click!
2023 April NEA Today Cover

NEA Today, June 2023

Schools out for summer! Grab your sunglasses, slather on some sunscreen, and kick back with one of our recommended great summer reads! Plus, discover how to inspire students to seek learning rather than chase grades. And find out how educators are standing up against classroom censorship. For these stories and more, dive into the June issue of NEA Today.
NEA Today Cover, April 2023

NEA Today April 2023

In this issue, we say goodbye to one-size-fits-all standardized tests and embrace a better way to assess students. We have some fun with educators delivering real talk and inspiration on social media and visit the classroom of an NEA member working to preserve the Cherokee language. We highlight the education support staff who are making schools greener along with the NEA members who are running for office and winning.
2023 NEA Today - Aspiring Educators cover

2023 NEA Today for Aspiring Educators

In this issue, learn how Aspiring Educators across the country are working with their union to preserve democracy and prevent further setbacks, organizing to end unpaid student teaching placements, and growing union membership on campus chapters. Plus, find practical advice on how to go from student life to the professional world!

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Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.