Our ability to influence public education is dependent on having an engaged, active, and strong membership. That’s why we created the Minority Leadership Training Program to support leaders in all phases of their careers. The training is broken down into two categories; find the one that's right for you.
1. Emerging Leaders
This training is for educators who are just starting out in their careers, are interested in stepping into leadership roles, or who have just started a new leadership role.
In this training you’ll learn about:
- The six essential principles and skills you need to be an effective organizational leader
- The visioning process, and the importance of having a vision for individual and organizational growth.
- Enhancing communications skills
- Effective decision-making processes
- Learn to differentiate among passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors; assess your present level of assertiveness; and assert your individual rights without violating the rights of others.
- Effective listening
- Running for office
2. Experienced Leaders
This training is for educators already in leadership roles who want to hone their skills, learn new techniques and processes, or take their leadership into the public space.
In this training you’ll learn about:
- Organizing allies or divergent groups together to fight for education issues
- Language as a medium for power and leadership
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Message development
- Political action and lobbying
- Developing relationships with community partners
- Develop a better understanding of the dimensions of assertive behavior
- Practical, step-by-step intelligence on putting together a winning election campaign
Ready to dive in? Learn more and request a training.
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