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Professional Learning

ESP Webinar: Tips & Tricks on How to Effectively Use Video Conferencing Platforms

In this webinar participants will learn how to effectively utilize video conferencing platforms.

At a Glance

Learnings will include customizing settings using Zoom or Google Meets.


  • COVID-19
  • Digital & Virtual Learning


  • Zoom
  • Google Meets
  • Virtual Meetings
Developed by:

National Education Association

Last Updated: July 31, 2020


Audience Role

  • Education Support Professional

Session Length

1 Hour, 3 Minutes

Session Format


In this webinar participants will learn how to effectively utilize video conferencing platforms. Learnings will include customizing settings using Zoom or Google Meets, adding add-ons to enhance user experience on the Google Meets platform, understanding the difference in features when using a computer versus a tablet or mobile device, and learning how to access virtual meetings from your Gmail account.

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