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Professional Learning

Re-Imagining Relationships: Returning and Engaging in the Classroom

Student engagement remains a top priority for teachers as we welcome students back into the traditional classroom.

At a Glance

Building relationships and making connections is critical in these unprecedented times, and by doing so we can increase student engagement in rigorous curricular lessons.


  • Classroom Management
  • Positive School Environments


  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication
Developed by:

National Education Association

Last Updated: August 4, 2021


Session Length

1 Hour

Session Format


Student engagement remains a top priority for teachers as we welcome students back into the traditional classroom. Teachers will use this session to develop or improve on social-emotional learning and safe space practices. With an emphasis on communication and practices building empathy, participants will work to improve their emotional intelligence within themselves and within their instructional practice. Building relationships and making connections is critical in these unprecedented times, and by doing so we can increase student engagement in rigorous curricular lessons.

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