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Professional Learning

Using Your Authentic Voice to Galvanize and Inspire

Learn how personal stories have the power to change attitudes, perceptions, and behavior, and win support for public education.

At a Glance

Everyone loves a good story, and educators, like ESPs, have the best stories. In this webinar, we’ll explore ways to use stories from your personal experiences as ESPs to help advance student success, public education, and education professions.


  • Learn how personal stories have the power to change attitudes, perceptions, and behavior
  • Tell your stories and win support for public education
Developed by:


Last Updated: January 2024


Session Length

1 hour

Session Format


Section with embed

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We ask only what is right: equal opportunity for every student, every educator, every family. At home, in school, online, in Washington–there’s a right place for all of us to make a difference.

ESP Growth Continuum Micro-Credentials

Earn micro-credentials while learning how to use The Universal Standards and Levels of Practice in order to move along the continuum of professional growth.
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