Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.
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Published: June 1, 2022
Books of the month:
Books of the month:
The Year We Learned to Fly / El Año En Que Aprendimos a Volar

The Year We Learned to Fly / El Año En Que Aprendimos a Volar
By following their grandmother's advice, a brother and sister discover their ability to use their imaginations to lift themselves up and escape their troubles as their ancestors once did.
Middle Grade
Black Boy Joy: 17 Stories Celebrating Black Boyhood

Black Boy Joy: 17 Stories Celebrating Black Boyhood
The wonders of Black boyhood are celebrated in this collection of stories, comics, and poems about finding and attaining joy.
Young Adult
Why We Fly

Why We Fly
The rocky start to senior year for best friends Nelly, who is Black, and Leni, who is White and Jewish, gets more complex when the cheerleading team kneels for the national anthem and each girl has to deal with the consequences.
Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.

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