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Published: July 31, 2023
Books of the month:
Books of the month:
Love Is Loud: How Diane Nash Led the Civil Rights Movement

Love Is Loud: How Diane Nash Led the Civil Rights Movement
This picture book biography of Civil Rights Movement leader Diane Nash shares her experiences leading lunch counter sit-ins and peaceful marches and her decision to fight to stop segregation not with anger or violence, but with love.
Middle Grade
We Are Your Children Too: Black Students, White Supremacists, and the Battle for America's Schools in Prince Edward County, Virginia

We Are Your Children Too: Black Students, White Supremacists, and the Battle for America's Schools in Prince Edward County, Virginia
A detailed nonfiction account of the students and families who pushed for educational equity in Prince’s Edward County, Virginia, in the 1950s and the five years its citizens were denied public education.
Young Adult
The Sum of Us (Adapted for Young Readers): How Racism Hurts Everyone

The Sum of Us (Adapted for Young Readers): How Racism Hurts Everyone
An examination of how racism affects and harms all of us and how we need to face it head-on, together.
Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.
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