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Do some in class research together to help students learn more about the coqui, their behaviors, and their habitat. Play the coquí’s song for students and have them brainstorm words to describe it and talk about how it would make them feel to regularly hear the coquies sing at night.
Given the coquí is specific to Puerto Rico, ask students what creatures or sounds they hear at night. Discuss what these sounds mean to students–do they remind them of home? Have students make a list of all the sounds that bring them hope and comfort and make them think of their home. Then have them use that list to write, then perform, their own song about the special sound of home.
Questions for Discussion or Reflective Writing
- Nature gives Elena and her community many gifts. What are some of the things that nature provides? Why is it important to value and respect nature?
- Where is Puerto Rico? How is where Elena lives different from where you live? How is it similar?
- How are the coquíes special to Elena and her family? What does Elena think the coquíes’ song means? What does the sound of the coquíes mean to her after the hurricane?
- How does the hurricane impact Elena’s home and community? How do neighbors come together to help one another?
Related Resources
Watch and listen to a coqui calling
Author Letter and The Coquíes Still Sing Activity sheets from MacKids in English and Spanish
Discussion Guide from Reading Is Fundamental
Talking With Children About Disasters from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Read Along!
NEA Secretary-Treasurer Noel Candelaria reads The Coquies Still Sing
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