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Names connect us to each other. Build community in the classroom by having students share a story about a name that has special significance to them. After reading What’s Your Name?, have students complete a name tag with a name that has meaning to them. It could be their own name, a nickname, the name of someone important in their lives, a favorite character’s name, or even a pet’s name. Have students put on their name tags, form a circle, and take turns sharing their own names as well as the names on their name tags and the stories behind them.
Make sure that students know that with this activity they only have to share whatever they are comfortable sharing.
Questions for Discussion or Reflective Writing
- Is a name just another word, or is it something more? What is a name?
- What does your name mean to you? Does it mean something different to your family and friends? How does your name impact your life?
- How did you get your name or a nickname? How do you feel about your name?
- Think of a time that you gave something or someone else a name, such as a pet, a stuffed animal, or a special nickname for a friend. How did you come up with the name? What is the meaning behind it?
Related Resources
Different Ways to Play the Name Game from Edutopia
The Names We Want to Be Called from Welcoming Schools
What’s in a Name from Learning for Justice
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