National Education Association
Check out NEA’s website for association news; links to NEA publications, state affiliates, and member benefits; information on special events, such as NEA’s Read Across America; and information for and about members. Be sure to follow NEA Aspiring Educators on Instagram to connect with fellow members.
Education News
Get the latest education news and member stories, plus read articles about NEA activism, key issues facing educators, and more.
School Me Podcast
In this podcast series, we explore the steps required to become a teacher and gather advice from seasoned educators to ease the journey for Aspiring Educators.
New Teacher Tip
Founded by teachers for teachers, BetterLesson provides a simple way for educators to connect and share high-quality lesson plans. The Master Teacher Project contains comprehensive lessons in math, English language arts, and science, in addition to videos. BetterLesson also offers a full suite of professional development tools and services to schools, districts, and organizations.
Community Engagement
NEA’s Read Across America
Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with resources from NEA’s Read Across America website, where you’ll find high-quality titles that will help your students see themselves and their experiences in the books they read. You’ll also discover tips and project ideas for the annual event, free posters and bookmarks to download and print, and more ideas to use throughout the year. Be sure to sign up for the monthly email newsletter, too.
Political Action
NEA’s Action Center
We’re speaking up for fully funded public schools, dismantling unjust systems, and giving our students the opportunities they need to succeed. Visit NEA’s Action Center to help.
Social Justice
NEA EdJustice
NEA EdJustice engages and mobilizes activists in the fight for racial, social, and economic justice in public education. Readers will find timely coverage of social justice issues in education and learn how to advocate for their students, schools, and communities.
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
The HRC defends the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender citizens. The HRC effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support to candidates for federal office, and works to educate the public on a wide array of topics—including workplace, family, and discrimination issues affecting the LGBTQ community.
Implicit Bias Resources
Get the latest NEA resources to sharpen your racial analysis and deepen your understanding of implicit bias, microaggressions, and stereotypes.
Education News
Education Week
Education Week covers local, state, and national education news from preschool through twelfth grade. Periodic special reports cover topics ranging from technology to textbooks.
CREATE grants provide members with funding to support chapter and/or statewide community service projects that promote AE members. Projects may enhance public education; increase advocacy and outreach to communities; and support young educators’ involvement in the association as well as the development of innovative approaches and engagement. Grants (up to $2,000) are awarded for projects that align with one or more of AE’s core values: educator quality, community engagement, political action, and social justice. Submission deadlines are February 1 and October 15.
The NEA Foundation
The NEA Foundation awards grants to educators who propose innovative and promising ways to help all students experience academic success and reach their full potential—especially those who have been historically underserved by society’s institutions. Members of NEA’s Aspiring Educators can partner with experienced educators who submit grant applications. Examples of grant-funded work include study groups, action research, and innovative project-based learning that helps close achievement gaps. Grant amounts range from $1,000 to $3,000.
Job Market
This free service allows applicants to post resumes online and search for teaching openings by geographic location. Each ad includes a job description and contact information.
This free website allows applicants to post their resumes and cover letters online, search for jobs by location, receive news about available teaching positions, view school websites, and send application materials electronically.
2024 – 2025 Committees, Boards, and Resolutions
Advisory Committee of Aspiring Educators
- Hannah St. Clair, Chair,
Oregon - Jack Apple
South Carolina - Riley Artis
Pennsylvania - Jillian Buzzard
Iowa - Shantae Ferguson
Indiana - Paige Hodges
Mississippi - Aryana Jharia
Michigan - Kate Meyer
Wisconsin - Cali Reinhart
Mississippi - Zach Sheriff
NEA Board of Directors—Aspiring Educators Representatives
- Jessica Bailey
Virginia - Demetrius Dove
Georgia - Jonathan Oyaga
Resolutions Committee
- Will Crawford
Standing Committees Aspiring Educators Representatives
Committee on Ethnic-Minority Affairs
- Jessica Bailey
Virginia - Jonny Otero
Arizona - Breonna Robinson
Committee on Women's Issues
- Idaly Monarrez Vega
Committee on Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
- Brandon Scacca
NEA has everything you need to make a difference on your college campus and in your profession—from tips for building a strong campus chapter to professional development to community engagement opportunities. We’ve got you covered!
Learn More
AE Chapter Toolkit
If you’re an AE chapter leader or interested in becoming one, check out NEA’s “Aspiring Educators Chapter Toolkit” for an in-depth look at how to create, build, and expand your campus chapter.
Gun Violence
Find more ways to create change as well as NEA resources on gun violence.
Children’s Book Writers
You can network, find illustrators, and attend workshops through the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
Take Action
Banned Books
Looking for a banned book to read? Text the code below to receive recommendations from NEA.
Text BANNED to 48744
Member Spotlight
Across the country, in all professional roles and career stages, NEA educators and allies make our schools and communities worthy of our students.
For member stories, go to, or submit the name of an Aspiring Educator you’d like to see featured at
Education Votes
Become an NEA EdActivist and help mobilize your networks to elect pro-public education candidates.
Safe Schools Pledge
Sign NEA’s Safe Schools, Safe Communities Pledge to start your journey as a gun violence prevention activist.
Join Our Movement