A look inside NEA
What is the National Education Association?
We are the nation’s leading organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., NEA proudly claims 3 million members who work at every level of education—from preschool to university graduate programs. NEA affiliates are in every state and in more than 14,000 communities nationwide.
How does NEA function?
NEA members from across the U.S. set association policy, most notably through an annual Representative Assembly—called the “RA”—held the last week of June and/or first week of July. NEA members at the state and local levels elect more than 7,000 RA delegates, who then elect NEA’s top officers, debate issues, and set NEA policy. NEA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee serve as the top decision-making bodies. Staff at the local, state, and national levels carry out policies implemented by the governing bodies.
How does NEA help Aspiring Educators?
Members of the NEA Aspiring Educators (AE) program belong to a network of more than 40,000 students who believe in improved teacher education and support for prospective teachers. As the nation’s largest pre-professional association for future educators, NEA connects practicing teachers and fellow NEA Aspiring Educators through state and national leadership conferences, workshops, and public forums. Members can also enrich their teaching and advocacy skills by holding local, state, or national office, or serving as a delegate to NEA’s annual RA. AE members also serve on the NEA Board of Directors and NEA Resolutions Committee, and they serve on committees that address a variety of issues, including human rights, legislation, and membership.
Communities Redefining Education Advocacy Through Empowerment (CREATE) grants provide members with funding to support chapter and/or statewide community service projects that promote AE members. Projects may enhance public education; increase advocacy and outreach to communities; and support young educators’ involvement in the association as well as the development of innovative approaches and engagement (See Grants under Quick Clicks). For help with applications, email NEA Senior Policy Analyst Blake West.
Help with tuition costs is available online through the Jack Kinnaman Memorial Scholarship. AE also provides information and assistance with student-teacher certification and professional development.
NEA Aspiring Educators Receive:
Services and Benefits
- Online access to NEA Today for Aspiring Educators, the magazine for members of the NEA Aspiring Educators program.
- Resources, job information, and links to other NEA student chapters at nea.org/AspiringEducator.
- $1 million of in-classroom liability coverage through the NEA Educators Employment Liability Program.
- Opportunities at the national, state, and chapter levels to participate in outreach projects such as school renovation, literacy, and food bank support.
- Discounts for members and their parents on car purchases, magazine subscriptions, shopping, and more through the NEA Member Benefits programs. Details at neamb.com.
Professional Development
- NEA National Leadership Summit: March 7 – 9, 2025. For more information, visit nea.org/LeadershipDevelopment.
- NEA Aspiring Educators Conference: June 28 – July 1, 2025. For information about attending, please email [email protected].
- NEA’s micro-credentials improve your practice and create better outcomes for your students. Go to cgps.nea.org/Microcredentials and get started on your personalized, professional-learning journey.
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