Published: June 3, 2020
Our COVID-19 Resource Roundups are intended as a quick list of articles, podcasts, webinars, courses, and other resources you may have missed this week.
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In case you missed it...
- Blog: Supporting Families of ELs During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Remote teaching can be tough for English learners (ELs) and their families. This blog post outlines how you can support these students so they can continue to get the education they deserve.
- Blog: Distance Learning for ELLs - Browse this collection of resources and tips for supporting the English Language Learners in your classroom.
- PDF: Reopening Schools in the Context of COVID-19: Health and Safety Guidelines From Other Countries – View this one-page collection of the steps and precautions educators around the world are taking to make schools safer during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Video: Larry Ferlazzo’s Tips for Student Motivation: Autonomy & Competence - Motivating students even in ideal conditions can be a challenge, so the virtual classroom brings a special set of obstacles to the table. Listen to this high school teacher’s tips to keep students on track.
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