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ESP Learning Network Webinars

The NEA ESP Quality Department offers a wide variety of professional development webinars to support the professional growth of school support staff. Register today for an upcoming webinar relevant to ESP careers.

Meeting People Where They Are: Finding Commonalities and Shared Values to Get What You Want

Thursday, August 15, 2024, 7:00 p.m. EST
Presenter: Jen Bramson, Specialized Paraeducator and 2024 NEA ESP of the Year

Establishing commonalities, like shared values, experiences, and goals, is essential for all educators. Whether you are working with students, parents/families, union members, potential union members, or policymakers, meeting them where they are and finding common ground is critical to building effective relationships and ultimately getting what you want.

Join Jen Bramson, Specialized Paraeducator and 2024 NEA ESP of the Year, to learn how to build relationships, overcome challenges, affect behavior, and get what you want with various stakeholders, including your biggest adversaries.


Mandatory Reporting and ESPs

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 7:00 p.m. EST
Presenter: Ignacio Sanchez, UniServ Director, NEA-New Hampshire

Mandatory reporting is an essential responsibility for every ESP. Despite this, ESPs are often provided little professional development regarding how to approach this important aspect of the job. Join this session to learn from Ignacio Sanchez, a UniServ Director for NEA-New Hampshire, who has been at the forefront of the struggle to ensure that ESPs are informed and equipped for mandatory reporting at work. Attendees will learn about about mandatory reporting basics, policies, and scenarios, and will explore bargaining language that can help your local association spread this knowledge to more ESPs.


Becoming a Professional Learning Leader: How to Grow ESP Leadership and Promote Solidarity

This webinar has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

Meet Professional Learning Leaders (PLLs) from Project LEAP and learn how they have grown through this leadership experience, elevating their professional skills and presence. Gain insight into how to use a Professional Learning Leader Academy to strengthen the ESP community. The PLLs will share how, through their Academy experience, they have been inspired to stretch their thinking, use their voice, and increase their presence as union leaders.

Spanish-language Webinars for ESPs

We're excited to offer series of online trainings to support Spanish-speaking education support professionals throughout their careers.

Learn more

Don't Miss Out

ESPs join together for 2019 conference

NEA ESP National Conference

The annual NEA ESP Conference is the premier professional development opportunity for education support professionals across the nation.
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