In the coming months, tens of thousands of new Afghan neighbors will be arriving in our schools and communities, as a result of the recent political developments in Afghanistan. Many of the newcomers have served as interpreters, translators, educators and additional support staff for U.S. military operations. Additionally, many Afghan families are seeking asylum. In addition, some children are arriving alone, without family members.
How can schools most effectively partner with these families and the Afghan community? Our partners at Colorin Colorado share ideas in the following resources.
Welcoming Afghan Families: Lessons Learned from Austin
Learn how Austin ISD, the public school district in Austin, TX, is currently partnering with the Afghan community and preparing to welcome the additional Afghan families who will be arriving in their schools in coming months.
How Schools Can Partner with Afghan Refugee Families
The following resources provide resources, recommendations, and updates for schools related to the arrival of new Afghan families.
Books for Children and Teens: Afghan Voices
The following books bring a wide range of Afghan stories and voices to life. While they present a variety of themes and settings, they capture the resilience, spirit, and warmth of the Afghan people. These books can be used to support school and community discussions of current events as they develop in Afghanistan.
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