First semester you got your feet wet. You have everything set up and running smoothly. The students are all learning. Except for “that kid.”
We all know “that kid.” We've fought to get him to work—any work. We've struggled to get her to stay on task and in her seat. We've ordered him not to throw pencils, paper, or erasers at others. We've battled to help her find success, even when she doesn't seem to want it. Oh yeah, every teacher knows “that kid.”
What can you do about “that kid”? First, don't take it personally. Start each day fresh, no grudges. I know this is the most difficult aspect of this situation. You care about your students and have put enormous effort into their learning; it is extremely challenging to realize their behavior is not always about you. “That kid” is rebelling against life, not you. Take a deep breath and relax.
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