Hip Hop Books to Engage Readers
NEA’s Read Across America celebrated the 50th anniversary of hip-hop. But hip-hop is more than just music. Check out our new list of picture, middle-grade, and young-adult books that celebrate all things hip hop. Visit nea.org/hiphop.
Social and Emotional Learning Resources
When students’ and educators’ mental health are supported with social-emotional learning, we help the whole school community thrive. Explore NEA’s collection of resources to help your students, colleagues, and yourself flourish academically and professionally—to learn more or go to https://bit.ly/49RiHNw.
Make a Plan to Vote!
If it’s been a while since you’ve voted (or even if it hasn’t), now’s the time to make sure you’re registered at your current address. Once you’re registered, make sure you spread the word and support pro-public education candidates. Learn more about education issues on the education votes website. Go to educationvotes.nea.org/take-action/vote-plan.
Bring the World to Your Classroom
The Global Learning Fellowship is a unique, year-long professional development experience for educators interested in deepening their global competency skills, so they can bring the world into their classrooms. Featuring workshops, webinars, mentoring, and an international field study, the fellowship brings together educators from around the country into a community of passionate global education advocates.
Find more resources and programs offered by the NEA Foundation—a public charity founded by educators for educators—by visiting neafoundation.org. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for updates.
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