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Governance Document

2024 Proposed Procedures for Amending the NEA-Retired Bylaws

Amendments are discussed and voted on at the NEA-Retired Annual Meeting.
Published: February 29, 2024

A. The submission of an amendment to the NEA-Retired Bylaws requires a majority vote of the NEA-Retired Executive Council, a majority of retired members of the NEA Board of Directors, or the official action of a state retired affiliate. For consideration at the upcoming Annual Meeting, proposed amendments to this document must be submitted online at 2024 Amendments to Retired Governing Documents ( by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on May 1.

B. Proposed amendments will be available for viewing by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the first business day in June at

C. Amendments to the proposed amendments must be submitted online no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 10. Proposed amendments may be viewed at Amendments to proposed amendments may be submitted by way of the above link. 

D. The proposed amendments plus amendments to the amendments will be available for viewing at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 17 at

E. Discussion on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws will occur on the first day of the Retired Annual Meeting. 

F. Voting for Bylaws amendments will be accomplished via secret ballot. For Retired Annual Meetings held in person, the proposed amendments will be included on the ballot used for Retired candidates and will be tabulated at the same time as the candidate tabulation. For Retired Annual Meetings held virtually, a voting link will be sent to delegates’ personal email addresses, and voting will conclude one hour prior to the opening of the second day of the Retired Annual Meeting.

G. The results of the voting for proposed Bylaws amendments will be announced on the second day of the Retired Annual Meeting, concurrently with the announcement of election results.

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Sam Evelyn Morgan Rock

Learn more about NEA-Retired

Now more than ever the commitment continues. Learn how NEA-Retired works to meet the needs of retired education employees (like Sam Evelyn Rock from the Chattanooga Hamilton County Retired Teachers Assn in Tennessee at right) and how to join.
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