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Governance Document

2025 NEA ESP of the Year Award Nomination Process

View the overview and requirements and get started on the nomination process for NEA's highest honor for education support professionals.
Published: July 2023 Last Updated: June 2024

The NEA Education Support Professional (ESP) of the Year Award honors a member who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments and reflects the vital role ESPs play in public education. NEA will present the 2025 ESP of the Year (ESPOTY) Award in the spring as part of the 2025 NEA ESP National Conference

Before getting started...

Be sure you are the ESPOTY Affiliate Point of Contact (POC) for your state. POCs are individuals appointed by the state affiliate executive director to liaise with NEA staff and coordinate the compilation and submission of their state’s ESPOTY nomination to NEA. POCs work directly with nominees to collect the award requirements and then enter them into the online system on their behalf. Nominees cannot submit their own nominations. 

Award Overview and Requirements

Nominees and POCs should download and review the 2025 ESPOTY Overview and Requirements and supporting materials in their entirety. The Overview and Requirements describe the ESPOTY program, eligibility and nomination package requirements, scoring criteria, and the selection process. 

Start a new ESP of the Year Nomination

Return to a saved ESP of the Year Nomination

Deadline for Nominations: 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, September 16, 2024

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