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AutoPay Communications Toolkit

Let’s Talk About AutoPay
Looking for a way to talk about AutoPay with members? We've created messaging guidance and communications tools to get you started!

What's In This Toolkit

  • Research-Backed Messaging
  • Sample Emails, Hustle Scripts, and Posts
  • Sample Website Copy
  • Legislative Campaign Messaging
  • Telephonic Organizing Guide


Why We're Talking About AutoPay

Since 2010, a number of state legislatures have enacted laws that bar or severely restrict public employers from deducting union dues from employees’ wages, including Wisconsin in 2011, Michigan in 2012, Iowa in 2017, and Indiana and West Virginia in 2021. The dam burst open, however, in 2023, when four states—Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee—enacted payroll deduction prohibitions. 

Proactively converting members from payroll deduction to AutoPay is the only way to neutralize this threat and protect our power. With every member who converts, the threat of an all-consuming campaign gets and our power grows, turning their threat into an opportunity to reconnect with membership, reaffirm the value of our union, strengthen worksite structure, and build new union leaders.

This guide is designed to help you talk to members about the threat to payroll deduction and the importance of switching to AutoPay to protect their union membership.

Comprehensive Guide to AutoPay Campaigns

While no strategy will make AutoPay conversion painless, being proactive instead of reactive allows for an intentional campaign that supports membership growth and capacity-building while maintaining long-term solvency. This guide walks you through the key components of an effective AutoPay campaign.

Research-Backed Messaging

Research-Backed Messaging

NEA conducted message research to determine the most effective messaging for converting members off of payroll deduction. This research informs our messaging guidance, including:

  • Key talking points
  • Messaging do's and don'ts
  • Sample campaign copy


Your union membership protects you from things like unfair retaliation and dismissal. But now you need to enroll in AutoPay to protect your membership because anti-public education politicians are attacking our union.
Anti-public education politicians want to hurt our union and shrink our membership, which means lower salaries and benefits, fewer protections, and losing our voice for students in important conversations. They eliminated members’ ability to pay through automatic dues deduction.
It’s easy to protect your membership by enrolling in AutoPay, and the process is safe and secure. Members who have already renewed their membership say it was quick and easy.
Members who protect their membership through AutoPay will pay the same amount. The process is simple, and your bank information will be secure and remain private.

Messaging Do's and Don'ts

Follow our guidance to create campaign messaging that effectively reaches NEA members.

Members need to enroll in AutoPay to stay a part of the union. Anti-public education politicians are eliminating/have eliminated members’ ability to pay through automatic deduction.
AutoPay is a way to modernize or “update and upgrade” paying our dues. Similarly, don’t remind members that many of us pay other bills automatically from our bank accounts.
The change to AutoPay was not a decision of our union but a decision made by anti-education politicians to weaken worker voices. Focus on the need to switch to AutoPay as a way to protect their union membership.
"AutoPay” or simply “Renewal” or “Membership Renewal.” Refer to “protecting your membership.”
“eDues,” “direct pay,” or “EFT,” and do not say “recommit” or “recommit your membership.”
Our research found that these terms were better at reaching and convincing members to switch.
Stress the value of the union by talking about what is lost if anti-public education politicians weaken the union: reduced bargaining power, lower pay and benefits, less protection, and policies that hurt our schools.
Focus on who has access (limited union staff) or who doesn’t have access (administrators/school boards) to payment information.
Our research found that the main motivating factor for people to switch to AutoPay is the desire to protect their union membership. Focus on this key aspect rather than getting lost in the details, unless explicitly asked.
Make sure to include the information members need to switch to AutoPay in every communications outreach, including ZIP code and their NEA ID number.
Overshare confidential information. Make sure to only provide necessary member information and remind staff and leaders to zealously guard that information.
Our members are trusting us with their information and we must do everything we can to protect their privacy, while also ensuring that they and other union leaders have the information they need to protect their membership.

Sample Campaign Messaging

Our research found that different messaging frameworks are effective during different stages in a member's relationship with you and the AutoPay campaign. That's why we've included sample campaign messages for two core steps: broadcast and escalation. 

When to use each framework:

  • Core Broadcast Messaging: The most effective message to persuade most members to switch is a simple one that should be shared broadly by state affiliates and locals through all channels (for example: emails, social postings, worksite flyers, direct mail, meeting announcements, phone banks, etc.). 
  • Core Escalation Messaging: Some members need to have their concerns heard and hear more about the value of their union membership before they are ready to switch to AutoPay. Use this framework in 1:1 or personalized engagement.

Make sure to introduce educators to the basics and why switching to AutoPay is essential to protecting their union membership. Remember that many members will need multiple reminders to complete the AutoPay switch.

AutoPay Messaging Frameworks

Broadcast Messaging
  • You need to switch to AutoPay to stay in the union. Your dues will stay the same. Anti-public education politicians are eliminating/have eliminated our ability to pay our dues through automatic payroll deductions.
  • Protect your union membership that protects you by switching to AutoPay. They want to weaken our union so they can push an anti-public education agenda that hurts us and our students—like vouchers that take money away from our schools and reduce the pensions we’ve earned.
  • Switching to AutoPay is easy, quick, and a one-time change. It’s a simple switch that only takes a few minutes. The amount stays the same, and our dues will still be deducted on payday. Sign up once and you’re done.
  • Protecting your membership is the only way to stop anti-public education politicians from weakening our union. Being an educator is tough, and to earn better wages and benefits, we need to stick together. 
Escalation Messaging

These members need an overall retention message—not related to the specifics of AutoPay—because their hesitation to switch is not rooted in concerns about the process. 

Customize 1:1 scripts with important wins that affect members’ daily lives—the tangible benefits of union membership.

  • Your union has your back, and your union membership protects you. Even great educators sometimes find themselves unfairly attacked or accused, but our union stays on your side. High-quality liability insurance gives us access to first-rate attorneys to resolve the issue.
  • Our union fights for better wages and benefits that we deserve and improves our daily lives by winning dedicated planning time, bathroom breaks, and extra pay for extra duties. We do our jobs to help kids, but too many politicians think becoming a teacher or support staff means taking a vow of poverty.
  • Our power depends on our numbers. The more members like you in our union, the stronger a voice we have. Anti-public education politicians want to weaken our union, and weaken our voice, for their own benefit.
  • It will be open season on educators like us if we leave the union—we’ll lose our power to fight for the salaries, benefits, and treatment we deserve.
  • Politicians who don’t know anything about our jobs already make too many decisions about our schools. You work too hard to let them have even more control over your job or your pension.

Emails, Hustle Scripts, & Posts

Sample Emails, Hustle Scripts, and Posts 

As mentioned in the section above, there are several core steps to your AutoPay communications campaign: the core broadcast message and the core escalation message. 

Digital messaging should reinforce these steps by educating members on three main points:

  • Anti-public education politicians either have passed or are threatening to pass legislation that directly threatens their union membership.
  • They can protect their membership through one easy, secure, and one-time change: switching to AutoPay.
  • If they need follow up: Remind them of the value of union membership; that we are standing together and building our numbers so we have the collective power to advocate for the things that matter to us, from our students to school funding to better pay and benefits.

Remember: In order to convert to AutoPay, members will need their NEA ID number and ZIP code. Fortunately, this number can be inserted into communications like Hustles or emails through a merge field. Need help getting this set up? Email [email protected] to get started!

Use the sample scripts below to share these important messages with your members! 


These core messages are designed for broad sends to membership. The goal of this step of communications is to make members aware that they need to switch to AutoPay to stay in the union. While most members will be convinced to act after receiving these messages, they will likely need to receive them several times as reminders.
Sample Hustle Script

TYPE: Share a Link Goal

LINK: [or your own AutoPay link]

SCRIPT: <Member Name>, I’m <Organizer Name> w/NEA! Changes in state law have put your union membership at risk. Will you act to protect it? Text STOP to quit.

  • IF YES: Great! Switching to AutoPay ensures no one can stop you from paying your union dues. Signing up is safe, secure, and easy: <Link>
  • IF NO: I understand, <Member Name>. Are there any questions I can answer about AutoPay that would make you ready to switch and protect your union membership?

OTHER INFORMATION: Be sure to have NEA ID # and ZIP code available. 

Sample Email

SUBJECT: Protect your union membership 
PREHEADER: Make the switch to AutoPay 

[First Name or Friend],

As educators, our voices are stronger when we speak together. The more members in our union, the more collective power we have to advocate for the things that matter to us, like what’s best for our students and schools.

That’s exactly why anti-public education politicians are attacking our union—to weaken educator voices for their own benefit.

Protect your union membership by signing up for AutoPay. The process is safe, secure, and easy.

These politicians have recently passed limits to restrict the methods our union can use to collect member dues. Due to this legislation, you must switch your dues to AutoPay by [DATE] in order to maintain your membership in our union.

Make sure anti-education politicians can’t take away your union membership.

Here’s what you’ll need to switch to AutoPay:

  • Make sure you have your credit card or bank information ready
  • [Include any information needed for log-in to your dues collection system. For AutoPay, that is NEA Member ID and ZIP code.]

< Sign up for AutoPay today > 

AutoPay is a convenient way to pay dues through automatic deductions from a checking or savings account, credit card, or personal/bank check. AutoPay is done through a secure bank site, keeping your financial information private and safe. 

It’s a simple switch that only takes a few minutes. The amount stays the same, and our dues will still be deducted on payday. 

Sign up once and you’re done! 

Switch your payment method to AutoPay today so that we can continue to create the working conditions we need and the learning conditions our students deserve. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about AutoPay or why switching your payment method is important. Just reply to this email and we’ll connect with you!

In solidarity, 

Sample Social Media
  • Instagram: State legislators have restricted the methods we can use to collect member dues. This is a direct attack on our ability to advocate for our students, our schools, and each other. We need your help. Update your payment method today to protect your union membership and help us ensure these restrictions don’t stop us from advocating for the working conditions we need and the learning conditions our students deserve. Click the link in our bio to update to AutoPay today!
  • Facebook: You can act today to keep our union strong. Changing your dues payments to AutoPay is a safe, secure, and convenient way to protect your membership and ensure we can keep advocating for educators across our state. Make the switch today: <Link> 
  • Twitter/X/Bluesky/Threads/Other: When educators come together, we are powerful. Protect your union membership by taking proactive action to ensure no one can stop you from paying dues. Sign up for AutoPay today: <Link>

Most members will be convinced to switch to AutoPay through multiple reminders of the broadcast messaging (a mixture of online and in-person contact points is recommended). 

However, the remaining members will need more direct escalation messaging about the value of the union and why protecting their membership is important for their and their students’ well-being. That's when we shift from our broadcast messaging framework to our core escalation messaging.

Core Escalation Messaging

These messages should be delivered in more direct ways than the broadcast messaging, with personal emails and Hustle outreach supplementing in-person engagement. Because of this, social media is not a recommended tactic for escalation outreach.
Sample Hustle Script

TYPE: Share a Link Goal 

LINK: [Or your own link]

SCRIPT: <Member Name>, I’m <Organizer Name> at NEA! Following up, have you switched to AutoPay to protect your union membership? Text STOP to quit 

  • IF YES: Amazing! Our power depends on our numbers. Will you share the link to sign up for AutoPay with three of your colleagues? <Link> 

  • IF NO: No problem! Unless you switch to AutoPay by [DATE], your union membership will be canceled. May I ask what is holding you back? 

OTHER INFORMATION: Be sure to have NEA Member ID and ZIP code available. 

Sample Email

SUBJECT: Together educators are stronger.

PREHEADER: Why your union membership is important.


[First Name or Friend],

When educators come together, we are powerful. Our union membership gives us a collective voice to advocate for the things that matter to us, like our students and schools. We have won changes across the state that improve our daily lives, from pay raises to protected planning time.

[Insert example of a win from your state or local. Example: Here in South Carolina, hundreds of educators came together to advocate at the state capitol and won big! The legislature unanimously passed a bill providing six weeks of paid parental leave.]

The more members like you in our union, the stronger we are. Switching to AutoPay makes sure your voice is heard!

However, not everyone wants us to succeed. Anti-education politicians in our state see our union as a threat to their corporate donors and political future. They are using every tool to weaken our voices, including eliminating our ability to pay our dues through automatic payroll deductions.

Due to recent legislation, if you do not switch to AutoPay by [DATE], your union membership will be canceled.

< Sign up for AutoPay today >

Luckily, you can act today to protect your membership and the future of our work for public education by signing up for AutoPay!

Updating your payment method to AutoPay helps us ensure anti-education politicians and their allies don’t stop us from advocating for the working conditions we need and the learning conditions our students deserve.

Your log-in information: [Include any information needed to log in to your dues payment platform. For AutoPay, that is NEA Member ID and ZIP code.]

AutoPay is a secure and private way to pay your union dues without depending on payroll deduction.

< Make the switch today >

Our opponents know that when we come together, we will win higher pay for educators, better learning conditions for our students, and the funding increases our schools need.

Thank you for taking action to protect your union membership and ensure that we can continue to advocate for our future for years to come.

In solidarity,


Legislative Campaign Messages

Fighting Payroll Deduction Bans Before They Pass

In states facing immediate legislative threats, we must educate members about the legislation proposed by anti-public education politicians and explain how to protect their membership. Use the following language to proactively communicate with educators and to mobilize them to take action against these anti-union laws.

Note: In states pursuing a proactive strategy, be careful not to rely too heavily on threat messaging. If the threat dissipates, members may no longer see the reason to convert. Instead, focus on the advantages of protecting their union membership.

Talking Points

We all want someone to have our back. As educators, we know belonging to our union helps us to protect each other and our students. Together, our voice is stronger for our students, school funding, and better pay and benefits. The more members in our union, the more collective power we have to advocate for improving our daily lives and all the things that matter to us, like our students and schools.
That’s exactly why anti-public education politicians are spearheading efforts to eliminate members’ ability to pay through automatic dues deduction. They know that making it harder to pay dues could weaken our voice, making it easier for them to lower our pay and benefits, decrease our union protection, and drive policies that hurt our students, schools, and classrooms.
However, these legislative attacks also let us know just how powerful we are. Our opponents know that when we come together, we will win higher pay for educators, better learning conditions for our students, and the funding increases our schools need.
We are standing together and building our numbers so we continue to have the power to improve our daily lives and stand up to politicians’ overreach into the classroom. Make sure you protect your membership to stay in the union and stay in the conversation around public schools: [Take our call to action today]!

Sample Tactics

Social Media


🚨 State legislators are voting to restrict the methods we can use to collect member dues. This is a direct attack on our ability to advocate for our students, our schools, and each other. 

We need your help. Act today to protect your union membership and help us ensure these restrictions don’t stop us from advocating for the working conditions we need and the learning conditions our students deserve. Click the link in our bio for more information! 


You can act today to keep our union strong. Protect your membership from political attacks and ensure we can keep advocating for educators across our state. 

Add your voice: [Link] 


When educators come together, we are powerful. 

Anti-education politicians are trying to make it harder for you to pay your union dues. Take action to protect your voice and the future of public education: [Link] 

Initial Outreach - Email

Subject Line: Your union membership needs protection 


[First Name or Friend], 

When educators come together, we are powerful. Our union membership gives us a collective voice to advocate for the things that matter to us, like our students and schools. We have won changes across the state that improve our daily lives, from pay raises to protected planning time. 

Protect your union membership today by [Insert Call to Action].  

However, not everyone wants us to succeed. Certain politicians in our state see our union as a threat to their corporate donors and political future.  

Anti-education politicians and their allies are using every tool to weaken our voices, including eliminating automatic payroll deductions we’ve relied on for years to stay in the union. 

Luckily, you can act today to protect your membership and the future of our work for public education. 

[Insert Call to Action]! 

Our opponents know that when we come together, we win higher pay for members, better learning conditions for our students, and the funding increases our schools need.  

Thank you for taking action to protect your union membership and our power to advocate for our future for years to come. 

In solidarity, 

Initial Outreach - Hustle

TYPE: Share a Link Goal 
LINK: [Your Action Link] 

SCRIPT: <Member Name>, I'm <Organizer Name> w/NEA! A proposed state law could put your union membership at risk. Will you protect it? Text STOP to quit. 

  • IF YES: Thanks! Together we will protect the strength of educator voices for years to come. Take action here: <Link> 
  • IF NO: I understand, <Member Name>. Are there any questions I can answer about the legislation that would make you ready to take action? 
Follow Up - Email

Subject line: We need your voice 


[First Name or Friend],  

Our power depends on our numbers. The more members in our union, the more collective power we have to win the changes our public schools need. 

[Insert Call to Action]. 

State legislators are trying to restrict the methods we can use to collect member dues. By limiting the ways members can pay their union dues and contribute to pro-public education leaders, these politicians are directly attacking our ability to fight for the changes we know our schools need.  

These seemingly minor changes can greatly affect our right to speak together as educators. [Insert Call to Action]. 

<Button: Take Action Today!> 

If we let them win, we lose our power to fight for decent salaries and benefits, protect educators from unfair treatment, and stand up to these politicians' overreach into the classroom and our students’ education. 

Thank you for protecting your union membership and raising your voice for the future of public education. 

In solidarity, 

Follow Up - Hustle

TYPE: Share a Link Goal 
LINK: [Your Action Link] 

SCRIPT: <Member Name>, I'm <Organizer Name> at NEA! Following up, have you acted to protect your union membership? Text STOP to quit 

  • IF YES: Amazing! Our power depends on our numbers. Will you share the link to our action with three of your colleagues? <Link> 
  • IF NO: No problem! We need as many educators to raise up their voices as possible. May I ask what is holding you back? 

Telephonic Organizing

Using Telephonic Organizing to Develop a Comprehensive Campaign

As you make the transition from payroll dues deduction to AutoPay, NEA’s experienced tele-organizers are prepared to support affiliates throughout all stages of your conversion campaign—before, during, and after. While telephonic organizing cannot replace the importance of one-on-one worksite conversations, it can provide a crucial surround sound to help facilitate your shift to AutoPay.

NEA recommends that affiliates use the following research-based steps to ensure a successful conversion campaign.

Prior to Your Campaign: Preparing for Conversion Success

To succeed in an AutoPay campaign, prioritize establishing robust communication systems for effective member outreach. Consider:

  • If your membership contact data is inaccurate, tele-organizers can update that data. We will call through your list and help clean out bad information.
  • If you need new and innovative ways to identify leaders and activists, tele-organizers can generate hot leads for you to recruit and train into activism.
  • If you need to alert your members to an upcoming threat of payroll deduction loss, tele-organizers can relay that message to thousands of members in one night and prepare them for upcoming asks to convert their dues.

Empowering Success: The AutoPay Conversion Campaign

About 31% of members need up to four one-on-one conversations for a smooth AutoPay transition. Enhance your conversations with NEA tele-organizers for extended outreach at a fraction of the cost.

NEA’s Telephonic AutoPay Conversion process is streamlined and straightforward to establish.

  • Direct Approach: Our tele-organizers adhere to a stringent protocol to secure enforceable voice authorizations, safely gather members’ financial information, and enter it into NEA AutoPay.
  • SMS Outreach: Tele-organizers send members an AutoPay link via text, guiding them to execute the conversion on their personal mobile devices.
  • Continuing the Journey: Post-Campaign Cleanup, Support, & New Member Organizing

The conclusion of any conversion campaign does not mark the end. Successfully managing this transition demands ongoing and time-intensive follow-up work, underlining the necessity for robust workflow processes to sustain affiliate density levels. Affiliates must establish systems to address the following:

  • Notify members facing credit card/ACH issues  
  • Educate members about the importance of membership as the conversion date nears
  • Deliver final notifications on membership cancelations and union protection loss
  • Identify and train leaders for AutoPay campaigns and new member organizing

Cost and Timeline: This service is currently free for state affiliates transitioning from payroll deduction. Affiliates would need to collaborate with NEA Center for Organizing and the Office of the General Counsel for script creation, list compilation, and campaign target identification. Field calls can begin in just two weeks.

For more details or to initiate the telephonic organizing process, contact us at [email protected].

An older woman with glasses and white hair types at a computer.

Keep the Momentum Going

Switching to AutoPay is a key part of protecting our union strength for years to come. Check out the following tools to continue to plan your AutoPay campaign.

Join Our Movement

We ask only what is right: equal opportunity for every student, every educator, every family. At home, in school, online, in Washington–there’s a right place for all of us to make a difference.
"We are the change we want to see in the world" sign at RedForEd rally

Year-Round Organizing at NEA

NEA's Year-Round Organizing Framework centers around key field strategies that naturally flow through each of the four seasonal components of a typical school year. Each campaign builds on the momentum of each other, helping members and staff work together to grow our union and create the change our public schools need.
National Education Association logo

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.