State and Local Affiliates of NEA may apply for Racial Justice in Education Grants. All grantees will be expected to submit scheduled reports on the progress of the project during and at the close of the funding cycle (continued project funding is contingent upon satisfactory and successful reporting). In order to be considered, each grant proposal should include: detailed planning and supporting documents, narrative and budgetary information (with budget data tied directly to the proposed activities). Typically, funded grant requests range from $5,000 to $75,000 over a 1-year period.
Racial Justice in Education Grant considerations are made of the following strategic priorities and outcomes:
- Deliberate strategies to develop and expand the leadership and activism of people of color, including Aspiring Educators, early career educators, students, families, parents, and other stakeholders of color.
- Specific strategies and activities that build connections and solidarity across different racial groups-- internally and externally--to build multi-racial and cross issue unity and power.
- Implement racial and social justice values-based organizing and engagement campaigns to address critical issues within the school community.
- Activities that leverage organizational change strategies inclusive of equity assessments and/or audit processes that contribute to building systems and structures that support internal change, and transformation.
The deadline for CRSJ grant applications is December 1, 2024.
Grant Awards will be made in February, 2025. For questions, please email [email protected]
Application Process
Before you Begin:
- Have an electronic copy of your Affiliate’s completed IRS W-9 Form available on your computer (you will be required to upload it in the next step). You can find a blank copy of the form in the downloads below . If you do not know your affiliate’s Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN), you can find:
- To submit your Affiliate's completed W-9, please click here. Within the capture form, please make sure to select the appropriate Center/Department to whom your affiliate is submitting a grant request.
- Download a copy of the Center for Racial and Social Justice Racial Justice in Education Grant Application, familiarize yourself with it and gather all required information.
How to Apply:
- You will be required to create an NEA Applicant ID and Password if you are applying for the first time. To create a new NEA Applicant ID and Password, click the New Applicant? link under the E-mail input box on the first page of the application and follow instructions.
- Next you will be prompted for your Affiliate's EIN. You should already have this number from Step 1 of Before you begin. If you cannot locate your EIN using the search resources provides and your grant application is time sensitive, a link is provided to bypass this requirement.
- Once in the application, provide all required information. The Save and Finish Later button will save your in-progress application to your NEA Applicant Account to complete later.
- Finally, once you feel your application is complete, click the Review and Submit button. Missing information will be flagged, and you will have to provide it before you can submit your application.
- For questions, please email [email protected]
Click here to start a new Racial Justice in Education Grant application
Return to saved Racial Justice in Education Grant application here
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