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Organizing Material Customization Form

Research shows that potential members respond best to organizing messaging that is localized and relevant to their community. Because of this, we have made our latest recruitment materials customizable for each state. Fill out this form to receive your custom materials.
Published: January 24, 2022

Turn-around time after filling out this form is estimated at 10 working days. A member of the NEA Center for Communications team will review your request and then reach out to you to confirm and finalize details. If you have questions about your request, please contact Brian Washington at [email protected].   

If you have the necessary skills and software (InDesign or Adobe Acrobat DC,) within your affiliate, self-service customizable versions are available on Inside NEA. 

Your Information

About Your Affiliate

Your Affiliate Wins

Choose three wins to be included on your organizing materials. Select from pre-written options or enter custom wins below.
Choose from the options below. Categories ending with * have subcategories to choose from that will become visible after selection.
Choose from the options below. Categories ending with * have subcategories to choose from that will become visible after selection.
Choose from the options below. Categories ending with * have subcategories to choose from that will become visible after selection.
If entering your own wins, please ensure that your wins are things your union has achieved locally and that are relevant to the everyday lives of your members. Think of things that provide additional compensation (pay, benefits, etc.) or time (planning time, limits on additional duties, enhanced medical leave, etc.) for your members.  

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Advocacy Grants for NEA Affiliates

Looking to implement student-centered initiatives through collective bargaining or other forms of advocacy?
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Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.