Educator Rights and Finances
Know Your Rights
View our series of webinars to learn how school building closure decisions might affect your employment and benefits.
Student Debt Navigator
Use the NEA Member Benefits Student Debt Navigator to learn how to apply for student loan forgiveness and save your hard-earned money.
Ensuring Safe and Just Schools for All Students
Access the text to a school board resolution you can use to advocate for educator rights to your school board.
Stay in the know with NEA Member Benefits’ free e-newsletters. Now more than ever, saving is key – we have resources in our newlsetters that can improve your financial wellness, as well as help you spend less on shopping and travel. Travel | Shopper’s Guide | Financial Whiteboard
Staying Healthy
Where We Stand
NEA has a list of ‘must haves’ to help you and other NEA members advocate to secure safe and equitable reopening of worksites.
Digital Supports
NEA Virtual Professional Learning
Our library of online courses, webinars and series of distance learning Micro-credentials—built by NEA members, for NEA members—are here to support your professional practice needs.
Learning at Home
NEA is partnering with PBS television station WETA to create resources to help parents support student learning.
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