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Legal & Employment Guidance

Employment Guidance - Health Insurance Cost and the Impact on Salaries

Research on how to best provide support for state affiliates relative to regulating costs of health insurance
health care for college faculty
Published: July 1, 2024

The NEA Collective Bargaining and Member Advocacy Department (CBMA) conducted research on how to best provide support for state affiliates relative to regulating costs of health insurance with the rise of salaries by analyzing research on employee health insurance cost increases for public sector plans in the past three (3) years relative to salary increases.

For this report, CBMA conducted research and compiled background information on health care costs, wage and salary increases, cost-shifting to employees, benefit plan designs, benefit advisory committees, surveying members, and data requests. The report also describes the programs used by employers and plans to limit, delay, or deny health care services and recommends strategies and programs to prevent further cost-shifting and benefit cuts to members, in both a bargaining or non-bargaining setting.

This report is intended for use before, during, and after health plan open enrollment, bargaining, and negotiating sessions with employers, as state and local affiliates prepare to advocate for higher salaries and wages that won’t be eroded by increased health benefit plan costs.

The report is divided into eight parts, and each includes a list of Questions for Consideration for affiliates to discuss when they meet with employers, health plan representatives, consultants, brokers, and other vendors.

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  1. Health Plan Designs and Reimbursement Arrangements
  2. The COVID 19 Pandemic, Workforce Shortages, Health Premium Cost Trends, Employee Wages, and Inflation Rates
  3. Cost-Shifting, Medical Debt, and Skipping Necessary Medical Care
  4. The Main Health Care Cost Drivers
  5. Health Benefits That Need Updating, Enhancements, and Expansions
  6. Preparing to Bargain/Negotiate the Health Plan
  7. Strategies to Improve Health Plan Options and Affordability
  8. Navigation and Advocacy Services; Centers of Excellence and Specialty Networks; Health Screenings; Disease Management and Wellness Programs; and Prior-Authorization Programs

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