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Federal Funding Guide

ESEA TITLE IV, PART F, SUBPART 2, SECTION 4624: Promise Neighborhoods

$78.3M in funding is available to support distressed communities in implementing a comprehensive, effective continuum of coordinated services designed to improve the academic and developmental outcomes for children, youth, and their families from birth through college, specifically in neighborhoods with high rates of poverty, childhood obesity, academic failure, and involvement of community members in the justice system.
Published: August 2020


$78.3M, awarded competitively


Institutions of higher education (IHEs); Indian tribes or tribal organizations; or one or more nonprofit entities in partnership with a high-need LEA, IHE, local government office of the chief elected official, or Indian tribe or tribal organization.

Sample Use of Funds

Activities could include:

  • Supporting planning activities to develop pipeline services or implementing pipeline services (which are a continuum of coordinated supports, services, and opportunities for children from birth through entry into and success in postsecondary education, and career attainment); and, includes, at a minimum, strategies to address through services or programs (including integrated student supports) family and community engagement and supports, which may include engaging or supporting families at school or at home;
  • High-quality school and out-of-school-time programs and strategies; juvenile crime prevention and rehabilitation programs;
  • Evaluating continuously the success of the program and improving the program based on data and outcomes.

This grant has an extensive list of uses of funds. View the complete ESSA Federal Funding Guide below for the full list.

Key Provision: Required Activities for Grantees

To include planning activities to develop pipeline services*; implement those pipeline services; and continuously evaluate and improve their programs based on outcome data. Grantees must use at least 50 percent of their first-year awards, and at least 25 percent of their second-year awards, for planning activities to develop and implement pipeline services.

For more information, contact Tom Zembar at 202.822.7109 or [email protected]

Next Steps

You have a right to know if your state or district applied for the funds and influence how they are spent. Most grants have already been disbursed to your state and district, but others may require an application.

Once you find a grant, make sure it’s appropriate for your intended use. Then, contact your local NEA Affiliate to organize an effort to hold your district and state accountable for how the money is used.

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